Comes a comment early this morning in my Facebook community following this weekends Mastermind Event:
“Yesterday we converted a lead (at our NEW $185 price point) who found us through Facebook. Totally cold lead.
She saw one of the videos we put out, submitted an inquiry on our website and we got her in for a discovery.
She came in yesterday and said: “I recognize you guys from all your Facebook videos”….she also said I was following her all over the internet haha (Remarketing).
We also got our first Discovery session from the live chat box on our website yesterday too!
Really cool seeing all of this come together. You’re the man Paul Gough!”
– Mike Wehrhahn, Next Level PT, Yardville, New Jersey.
What is the Wheel of Engagement??…
It’s the way in which you interact with
the same person more than once –
across multiple platforms.
It’s also the only way that you can realistically expect to be successful with direct marketing in 2017 (and beyond).
Let me explain more:
So in times gone by it was all about ONE newspaper ad…
ONE postcard…
ONE Facebook Ad…
ONE set of Google ads…
And so on and so on.
And you would judge the success of the ad – pretty quickly based upon how many people saw that exact ad…
“Dan Kennedy” and others told us to use call tracking numbers or links clicked on webpages that would allow you to track the success of the ad so that you could run it again – or can it!
These days??
One off ads are almost dead in the water!
Take a look at Mike’s new lead from Facebook…
Multiple videos watched on Facebook…
Over to the Website to fill out a form and make an Inquiry…
She’d been seeing his remarketing ads all across the internet which 100% confirmed him as the expert she needed to see.
The result?
A brand new patient at a much higher price point than when running the “one off style ads”…
For context:
Mike was charging just $130 per session before his entrance in my Mastermind Program…
All of those touch points COMBINED is why he doesn’t get resistance at a price point WAY HIGHER than the average fee charged by most PTs…
Familiarity breeds trust – and when you have trust, it’s very easy for people to say YES!
And there’s something interesting…
The “price” that most PTs charge these days is round about the “average” of what everyone else charges in town…
…and yet they claim to provide a better than the rest type of service.
I don’t know about you – but I don’t know many businesses that are able to provide a better service than anyone else in town while charging the same fees.
Could that be why so many businesses go bust???
Guess what…
All of the “wheel of engagement” stuff was first discussed at my “More Patients, More Profits 2017”, 3-Day Marketing Workshop.
If you want to get a 12 month Marketing Plan for you clinic – PLUS, learn how to make this wheel of engagement work for you…
…and, as a result, sky-rocket your fees from Average – to top 1%…
…then this is the place to come:
– 3-Day Marketing Workshop: More Patients, More Profits 2017 >
There’ll be just “10” of us in the room – and you’ll leave with a brand new marketing message, a 30, 90 and 12 month Marketing Plan…
…and, know exactly how to use all of the Platforms used by Mike to bring in new patients from out of the blue – happy to pay $185 in cash!
Details here:
– 3-Day Marketing Workshop: More Patients, More Profits 2017 >
Application only.
Paul Gough
Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to keep up with the pack!
For more PT Business Education Material:

- Violating Social Norms and Outdated Levels of Thinking - 22nd October 2020
- MORE from LESS: The Go To Strategy During A Financial Downturn (Like here in 2020) - 15th October 2020
- How To Confidently Sell Your Physical Therapy Services - 29th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Does The Future of PT Look Like? - 17th April 2020
- How To Get More Buy-In From Patients - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: Have You Already Done It Without Realizing? - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Is the Most Important Thing You Can Sell Right Now? - 15th April 2020
- Telehealth: Is A Marketing Funnel Needed Right Now? - 14th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Happens To Discovery Visits? - 13th April 2020
- Telehealth: How Will I Compete With “Big Box” Insurance Companies? - 10th April 2020