Accelerator Method – Prove Value, Boost Profits (Week 2)


Week 2 of “Accelerator” is here…

…and this week it’s all about the most important part of ANY Marketing system – which is quite simply the missing link for a lot of PT Clinics…

It’s something called the ‘conversion system’.

We’ve all experienced this: patients referred by a doctor, a workers comp, or direct access client who makes an “inquiry” about your services… but for some reason will still stall over coming to see you.

But no matter what excuse they have, or what referral source they come from – there IS a way to put an end to people resisting.

Week 2 is where my students discovered how to do this.

There’s never been a better ROI on my time than building out this ‘conversion system’.

Sound like something you’d love to do too?

I’m about to share with you the 10 biggest takeaways from Accelerator that I shared with my students – which are quite simply the most important part of any PT Marketing system.

You’re going to want a pen and paper at the ready for this…

Key Takeaways

#1 The Consumer Has Changed

As the cost of health care rises, as co-pay and deductibles go up – it’s no wonder why people show resentment to paying extra fees.

A lot of Physical Therapists think that the consumer knows what we do – in reality, most have no clue what we do.

People don’t book PT because they haven’t got the money – they don’t book because they’re frightened, nervous, skeptical and just don’t know enough.

So how can we expect them to risk paying higher prices?…

Just like you would need more information before making a decision about paying $100 or more for a product or service – patients are the same.

Understand this – and you’ll be able to grow and scale your business with more ease.

What can you do to overcome the price objection?…

#2 Educate, Educate, Educate

After you’ve picked your ‘perfect patient’ (covered in week 1’s highlights of ‘Accelerator’)…

…the next thing we have to do is educate them on the VALUE of how you can impact their life so much, that they’ll want to pay you for it.

Doesn’t it make sense that if you want people to pay out of pocket, fund their “co-pay”, and even just give up their time, it has to appear to be worth it for them??

And at very least, they have to PERCEIVE that it’s going to be worth it to them…

No matter how good you think you are – or how good others say you are – if they don’t think you are the right fit for them, your Marketing won’t work.

And no one is ever going to give you time or money unless you prove value first VIA your marketing (…especially NOT when the cost is more than $100).

So, lets take a look at how we can begin this education process…

#3 The Power Of The Follow-Up System

In week 1 I covered the importance of giving away free information to begin building trust and educating more people on what we do – so they can make a better decision.

This is where the follow-up system comes into play.

People need to feel more certainty in the outcome they’ll get with you, and they need to feel more confident before they invest in your services.

Once they request free information with you – follow-up!

Provide even MORE information – you’ll keep building trust, and in the long-run, you’ll gain yourself a lifetime patient happy to pay for your services.

#4 Keep Building A Bridge

Once someone has seen your blog, your ad in the newspaper, your Facebook ad and they’ve made the first decision towards better health by requesting your free information report…

You’d think they’d be ready to say yes to your services, right?

Hoooold your horses, not quite yet (very few will be anyway).

So what can you do? You need to keep moving people in the right direction, making it easy for people to make ANOTHER decision.

The best way to do that is to offer something else!

Maybe a free telephone consultation, an in-house workshop, a taster session – something that allows them to ask you more questions, to build more trust…

Show people that you ‘get them’, and that you may just be the solution they need – and you’ll stand a higher chance of converting them into a full paying patient.

#5 Keep Communicating The Offer

Why? Because people rarely understand anything the first time…

Especially if they’re confused, unsure, or in pain – and that’s important for you to understand

The worst case for any clinic is that a patient arrives nervous, skeptical and in pain… And when we talk to them about sciatic nerves, about torn cartilage, or a disc problem that’s going to take weeks to get any better and it’s going to cost them $1500, is it any wonder that patients call up saying they won’t be able to make the number of sessions prescribed??

The clinics who fail to communicate in a way which people understand and are able to see the true value in what you do – will keep running into the same problems over, and over again…

Which brings me onto this:

#6 The Biggest Area Of Opportunity With Confused, Skeptical Patients

Is by keeping IN TOUCH.

(With an email follow-up system and the telephone).

I said it above – if we fail to keep in touch and communicate what we really do, we’ve lost them forever.

The FORTUNE is in the FOLLOW UP – is another one of my favourite sayings!

Most people will think they can get their problem solved elsewhere.

And some will!

…But many won’t!

And many will never think to get back in touch with you in fear of looking ‘silly’.

You likely know I’m BIG on having systems in place – and this one email follow-up system will address that you know why they might have gone elsewhere, but that you also know they won’t get what they NEED by going elsewhere!

This will get patients who drop-off them onto schedule quick, and those who are confused at the beginning, to gain trust.

#7 When New Patients Are MOST Motivated…

…As soon as they request free information!

The moment they request that free information – they are more motivated than ever!

And are likely to make another decision – which good news for you!

So, how do you get them when they’re most likely to say ‘yes’?

Within the first 24 hours – follow-up with that prospect right away on the phone and you won’t miss out on another opportunity to help someone get back to living the life they deserve.

#8 But What If You Can’t Get Them On The Phone?

Use other forms of communication!

If you can’t get hold of someone on the phone don’t stop.

This is where a lot of PT clinics miss out on an opportunity to get more patients on schedule – they think because someone hasn’t answered their phone, they’re not interested, so they don’t pick the phone up to get in touch with them again out of fear they’re ‘bothering’ them.

But the truth is, a lot of people don’t answer their phones! People are busy.

You’ll never get me to answer my cell phone – but most of the world will reply to an SMS or an email.

Use other forms of communication, and you’re likely to have more success with getting in touch.

#9 A New Way To Talk On The Phone

When you do get hold of someone on the phone – It’s important that you don’t get involved in a “transactional” phone call…

…and no matter how they are on the call, it’s about you being able to smoothly transition to a question that is both engaging and emotional.

This allows you to add EQUITY and VALUE to the relationship BEFORE you even get them on schedule.

What’s more, doing this will help you better answer the first question that almost all patients ask when they’re almost about to book an appointment:

“Do you take my insurance?”

#10 Get Them To Fall In Love With You!

As a small PT clinic owner you’re going to get a lot of patients come to you who have already experienced PT elsewhere, or have received treatment from a hospital system that treats them like a billable unit, and didn’t even know their name…

So how can you expect them to want to say yes right away, when they’re going to have false assumptions about PT because of a previous experience?

You want to find out what they already know about PT…

If they’ve had PT before what did the like? What did they dislike?

Are they aware that you can do more than just ease their back pain? That actually you can help them to feel more energized, walk further for longer, dance in their favourite pair of high heels with everyone telling them how great they look?…

Get on that level and hey presto!

You’ll get prospects to fall in love with you, happy to pay $100+ for a specialized service ‘they can’t get anywhere else’

Ok, there’s your ‘digest’ of Module 2…

To sum up:

It’s all about PROVING to people through communicating with them in such a way that they understand what it is a PT REALLY does (…not what they’ve been told, or led to believe, what you do!)…

…then, show that you understand them…

(Like no one else)

…that you’re able to connect and engage with them…

…that you “get them”…

…that you appreciate they may have been let down in the past by another provider who made a promise they didn’t keep (and still keep their money)…

AND, most importantly of all, that we know it may take a little time for them to TRUST themselves – and us – to make a decision about giving us their $700 or however much their contribution is.

Once you’ve created the SYSTEMS to educate and prove value it becomes very easy to raise your rates and get more patients on board.

Next week we’ll cover how to get noticed – how you get the attention of your ideal patient both ONLINE – using things like Facebook and Google – and OFFLINE – using things like newspaper ads or postcards.

Stay tuned for next week’s highlights from module 3 😉


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Accelerator Method – Who Do You Want To See In Your Clinic? (Week 1)


Week one of “The New Patient Accelerator Method” kicked off this week, and just as I imagined, we had a GREAT time with a number of breakthroughs.

In week 1 we cover the essential foundation that all small business success is built upon.

It was eye opening…


And there were a lot of breakthroughs…

If you joined in with us, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

As we had a packed out class, and because I know some of you weren’t able to join us on the program this time – I wanted to keep you in the loop with everything we’re learning.

So here’s a look behind the scenes of what happened in Module 1 of the Accelerator Method, we’re going to share with you “10” of the most powerful highlights from week 1 of the class, get your pen and paper ready!

Key Takeaways

#1 Why Most PT Marketing Fails

Most PT clinics experience some kind of frustration when it comes to Marketing.

You might try putting an ad in a newspaper or local magazine, a letter, a leaflet or flyer – something that looks “pretty and nice” and is professionally designed – and on the face of it, is a GREAT ad for a Physical Therapy clinic…

But that’s the problem.

The ad is all about Physical Therapy and NOT about the person they can help.

Let me explain:

One of the main reasons why most PT clinic ads fail is simply because the ad lacks the one single thing that all great Marketing pieces must have – a clearly defined “pocket of people” who you want to pay attention to your ad!

Which brings me onto this:

#2 WHO Do You Want To Do Business With?

You can’t be successful with attracting new patients if you’re trying to reach everyone, which is why you’ve got to get clear on this:

WHO you want to do business with.

Unless you’ve got a multi-million dollar business – the real profit lies in the RELATIONSHIP you have with those people – and you BEGIN and ENHANCE that relationship with your clinic marketing.

Here’s an example:

At my clinic – the Paul Gough Physio Rooms – we call this person our “Perfect Patient”, who comes from the HUGE pocket of people who are being overlooked by most clinics in our area…

…The huge group of people who are living with some form of pain and restriction that they need some help with, but just don’t know what to do.

Our Perfect Patient is called Mary – she’s 53, has two children and 3 grandchildren, and loves to live an active lifestyle attending Pilates classes a few times a week and socializing with friends.

So, here’s something for you to think on – who is YOUR “Perfect Patient”?

#3 Why You Need To Get Crystal Clear On Who Your “Perfect Patient” Is…

The biggest area of opportunity lies within figuring out WHO is is you’re talking to.

Because if you don’t, then you can’t say the right things in your Marketing that’ll get their attention and instantly tell them that you have something that they should consider paying attention to – or reading on.

We have to be able to show them that we understand their problems and frustrations…

…and that you’re the place to go to for help to solve their problem.

These people are likely being overlooked by other Physical Therapy clinics in your town – because so many of them are focusing on getting referrals from Doctors that they’re neglecting the people who DON’T get given a referral from a doctor (even though they need us).

So it’s your job to help them.

But how do you find those people currently being overlooked?…

By understanding this:

#4 Your Patients Have Three Problems

External, Internal and Philosophical.

Most PT’s talk to people about their external problems when what they should be doing to stand out, is talk to them about INTERNAL problems.

What pain are they in emotionally? What are they struggling with and missing out on because of the physical pain they’re in?…

#5 The Most Important Point To Remember When “Selling Your Services”

As a general rule, we move people AWAY from pain and loss – not towards health and happiness – which is why Marketing that promises to “reach the peak of health”, doesn’t resonate with many people or compel them to make decisions.

People have a hard time imagining how good it feels to be happy and healthy right now when they’re suffering. Move them AWAY from pain, and co-pay won’t be an issue.

Which leads me onto this…

#6 The Real Purpose Of Your Marketing

Once you’ve become crystal clear on WHO it is you want to do business with, and you understand them on a deeper, emotional level…

It’s time to show up and drop the solution to their problems – in their lap.

With my Perfect Patient at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms, I know that ‘Mary’ is someone who doesn’t like taking pills, and doesn’t want to ‘bother’ the Doctor – and yet still wants a solution to her problem that resembles her lifestyle choice.

But the problem is, since she went to see her doctor and DIDN’T get a referral (because most don’t) – she’s a little “confused”…

..she was told to rest, accept it, and take pills.

Therefore if you show up and and give away free information that helps her to make a better decision – you’ll gain her trust and she’ll know that PT is the solution she’s been looking for all this time 😉

But keep this in mind…

#7 Marketing Is All About Building A Bridge

The rules of small business advertising have changed.

It’s almost impossible to get people to say “yes” and hand over money for your PT services immediately.

When stats suggest that just 3% of the population are confident enough and ready to buy now – the key for you is to build a relationship and develop trust with your Marketing messages, to help people make better decisions.

So how can you begin to do this?

#8 Give Away Free Information

For small businesses like you and I, providing people with MORE information to help them make better decisions, faster, is the ONLY way to win.

Because of TRUST issues, it’s much easier (and smarter!), to advertise helpful information than it is to ask people to buy from you immediately.

Putting out an ad that says something like: “Back pain evaluation – call today” will waste the attention of 9 out of 10 people and your precious dollars.

But offer free information as a solution to their problem, and you’ll be helping people to confidently say YES to PT services, and get back to living the life they deserve!

#9 Adopt The Strategy Of Pre-Eminence

What do I mean by this? You offer to help your Perfect Patient BEFORE you ask for any money.

Think about how trust was established in PT clinics years ago… by doctors who TOLD THEM to go and see a PT – patients didn’t have to make a decision!!

But now that times have changed (and more importantly if you want to move away from relying upon doctors for referrals…) you need to re-create that trust, so people can confidently make a decision on their own.

One of the ways we do it at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms? With free information reports:

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There’s no effort required on your prospects part, it’s low-risk and easy to get – therefore MORE people are likely to respond to your ad.

A great way to understand this is to look at it like this:

#10 Think Of Going On A First Date

You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on a first date, would you?…

Well, asking people to book an appointment with you in your Marketing is a lot like asking for marriage on a first date.

Slowwwww down, that’s too quick – you don’t know each other well enough yet, go for coffee first 😉

Remember, not everyone is ready to book now, offer free information, be helpful, get to know your prospects and nurture them.

Master this and issues with “co-pay”, “deductibles” and the increase in monthly premiums will become a thing of the past.

To sum up:

In PT school we’ve been led to believe that if people are in pain, they’ll book our services when they see us Marketing how great our clinic is in an ad…

But in reality, not enough people know what PT actually is – and not enough people are confident enough to make decisions about their health for themselves

When you really start to think about WHO your Perfect Patient is, and understand them at a deeper level that many health care professionals don’t take the time to do – you’ll be able to serve the MASSIVE pocket of people who are currently suffering with something you can help with – and who will be happy to do business with you – by helping them make better decisions.

See you right here next week, for Module 2 where we’ll cover one of THE fastest ways to boost your clinic’s profits, and how to get more patients on schedule from ANY referral source.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – please click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR If you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Want To Come And Meet Me In A City Near You This Fall??


Dear US Physical Therapist,

Over the next 9 weeks I’m going to be touring 18 different US cities that’ll take me from San Diego West Coast – to Orlando on the East Coast – and many cool places in between!

It’s going to be an epic tour as I get to meet more of you IN PERSON – and achieve my goal of bringing the IMPACT that my online videos, blogs, trainings and coaching is having upon you all – to real LIFE!

Wherever you are in the US right now – chances are I’m going to be stopping by as my US “Impact Tour” kicks off on Sunday Sept 18th.

I’ll be spending “63” days travelling with my young family, learning more about American culture, meeting new people, taking pictures of your best cities…

… Masterminding, attending business seminars and boot camps, doing clinic visits…

…AND, meeting up with and impacting as many of YOU, in person, as possible!

Want To Come And Meet Me?

Here’s My Dates And Venues For The Next 9 Weeks:


SEPT 18TH    SUN    San Diego
Touch Down

SEPT 19TH-20TH    MON-TUE   Orange County, CA
Speak at Andrew Vertson’s Mastermind Event

SEPT 21ST   WED   Aliso Viejo 
(Intecore PT Clinic Visit)

SEPT 22ND    THUR   San Diego
(Staying at Seaport Village Area)

SEPT 23RD-25TH   FRI-SUN   Palomar Hotel, San Diego
Speaking at Nittin Choda’s Referral Igniton Event

SEPT 25TH    SUN   La Jolla, San Diego
Collect my family from Lincoln Field Airport San Diego
who arrive that day from Britain

SEPT 27TH   TUE  San Francisco
 Meet “Jerry Durham” and “Sturdy McGhee”

SEPT 28TH   WED   San Francisco
Clinic visit of “San Francisco Sport and Spine”

SEPT 29TH    THUR   San Jose
Clinic visit to Kim Gladfelter’s “Physio-Fit” office

SEPT 30TH   FRI   San Diego
Back to San Diego

OCT 6TH   THUR   LA (5 miles from Santa Monica)
Travel to LA for 4 day Marketing event

OCT 9TH   SUN   Seattle (Downtown)
Fly to “Seattle” to meet PT Chris Johnson and
Ryan DeBell

OCT 11TH   TUE   Spokane
Clinic visit with Luke Gordon of Gordon PT.

OCT 12TH   WED   San Diego
Fly back to San Diego

OCT 19TH   WED   Las Vegas
Attend PPS Conference (Staying at the WYNN Hotel)

OCT 20TH   THUR   Las Vegas
Meet with RJ Williams and do a  Clinic Visit to his
Fyzical Therapy and Balance Centres office in Las Vegas

OCT 22ND   SAT   San Diego
Fly back to San Diego

OCT 24TH   TUE   Phoenix
 Meet Scott Gilbert, Julie Docter, Judy Cirullo, Lois Wolf, Jeremiah O. Sarkett

OCT 26TH – 17TH  WED – THUR   Phoenix
Meet-up at the Downtown Sheraton Hotel

OCT 27TH  THUR   San Diego
Fly back to San Diego


OCT 30TH   SUN   Orlando, FL
Fly to Orlando, FL

OCT 31ST   MON   Celebration, FL
Spend Halloween in “Celebration”

NOV 1ST   TUE   Tampa Bay, FL
Travel to Tampa Bay for 2 day Mastermind Event

NOV 3RD   THUR   Downtown Tampa Bay
Meet PT “Gregg Todd” for Dinner Downtown

NOV 4TH   FRI   Tampa Bay
Clinic Visit of Gregg Todd PT

NOV 5TH-10TH   SAT-THUR   Orlando, FL
FUN TIME – 6 days in Disney world with my Family! 😉

NOV 11TH   NOV   Newark
Fly to Newark, New Jersey for meet-up with Mike Werhrhahn
and other PT’s in the New York and New Jersey, Philly area

NOV 12TH   SAT   Wilmington, Delaware
Travel via AMTRAK to Willmington, Delaware
for clinic visit with “David Wilderman” of Wilderman PT

NOV 13TH   SUN   Charlotte, NC
Fly to Charlotte (NC) for meet up with various PT’s

NOV 14TH   MON   Harrisburg
Chair “Mastermind” event at VOLK PT in Harrisburg with
Dean Volk, Aaron LeBauer and various others.

NOV 14TH   MON   Myrtle Beach, SC
Last flight out to “Myrtle Beach”, SC 

NOV 15TH   TUE   Myrtle Beach, NC
 Mastermind day with the brightest business mind
in the whole of the US – Mr X.

NOV 16TH   WED   Orlando, FL
Fly back to Orlando for last day at Disney World with family 

NOV 17TH   THUR   Hartlepool, UK
Fly back to the UK – return to the Paul Gough Physio Rooms
to continue growth of own clinic – and catch up with staff and family 😉

Now you know where I am…
…where will you meet me??

Follow the TOUR on Facebook….

Catch up with the all the Video footage on my Youtube channel…


Email me: if you want to meet up for a beer or grab coffee in any of these locations!

I hope to see you soon! 😉

Paul Gough

[PT Business Growth School] – Say Goodbye To Patient Objections (Part 6)

BGS Banner - Module 6

Week 6 of PT Business Growth School is here and I can’t believe it’s our final class…

This week we have PT Industry Superstar ‘Jerry Durham’ back in the room for Part 2 of the Module titled “The New Patient Journey Experience”…

In Part 1 we mapped out the ENTIRE journey, step by step, that your patients experience with you to ensure we rise above the industry ‘norm’, and give them MORE than they were expecting – an experience they won’t forget.

This week we showed our students solutions to some common problems that most PT businesses face…

… things like “drop-offs”, “no-shows” and “resistance to care plans” (because of co-pay).

Our students now all agree that these things ARE NOT happening ONLY because they don’t want to pay (for PT)… No, it’s more often than not because they don’t see the TRUE VALUE in what we do.

Would you pay for something you don’t see the VALUE in or how it’ll help your life?…

(Neither will they!)

Part 2 of The New Patient Journey Experience solves AAAAAAALLLLL of these problems, and helps make the “co-pay”, or “OON” issues a thing of the past.

ENROLL HERE: NOTE, if you’r interested in starting this Class – we have opened up REGISTRATION for a limited period of time – click here to go to the ENROLMENT PAGE and join in the class.

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So with that said, lets get into the “10” greatest highlights from the final week of PT Business Growth School, Week 6…


#1 The First Consultation

Now that your potential new patient has made a decision that YOU are the PT clinic that’s able to solve their problems, and that you’re the place that finally ‘gets them”…

The NEXT thing you want to do is drive up that perception of VALUE of what you’re doing.

Why it’s so important to do that?

When you ask them the right questions (that you need them to hear their own answers to)… they will reveal their ‘wants’ and ‘hopes’ to you, AGAIN.

(We’ve already done this at the first phone call – but we need to do it again!)

This means they get reminded of what they are REALLY paying for – to get quality time back to play with their Grandkids, to hike that mountain they’ve always wanted to with their partner, to wake up without aches and pains in the morning so they can drive to work…

Present the VALUE, and you’ll confirm they made the best decision by choosing you over every other option they’ve got!

Next, let’s take a look at how to get it started…

#2 Start The Consultation, In The WAITING Room

This is huge – and sets the tone for the rest of the relationship the minute they step through the front door…

We want the very first consultation to begin in the “waiting room”.

Ideally there should be a conversation going on in the reception between the receptionist and patient (..and even the Therapist should be invited to join in!)

There’s nothing worse than having a patient walk into the waiting room to be presented with an out of date magazine and newspapers full of bad news…

ENGAGE with them from the moment they walk through your door, then continue THAT conversation in the TREATMENT ROOM and they’ll feel very comfortable right away (…again, confirming they’ve made the right decision coming to see you).

Remember: “People FIRST, Patient Second”

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#3 It’s All About The Questions You Ask

Now the patient is in the treatment room it’s important to ask the VAQ;s – the ‘Value Alignment Questions’.

What does that mean?

It means we’re going to make it certain to the patient that WE truly understand what they are REALLY going through and exactly what they want to achieve.

It’s not about what the INSURANCE costs – or your EMR – it’s about what the patient wants you to know the answers to – what’s important to them!

Continue to ask the same questions that reveal answers that they WANT YOU TO KNOW about, things like:

“What is it stopping you from doing that
you REALLY wish you could?”

And you’ll ensure they know that you’re 100% clear on what they want to achieve as a result of having PT.

#4 Stopping “Drop-Offs” At Your Practice…

There’s a few questions you need to ask – and this is one question:

“What’s your current understanding of what a PT can do to help you solve this?” (…Back pain getting in the way of a good nights sleep).

You may be 100% certain in what you’re about to do.

You may be 190% certain in the effectiveness you’re proposing.

BUT if this person has a completely different understanding or expectation of what it is you’re going to do for them in the treatment room – you are going to lose them.

Because if they’re expecting hands-on treatment, and you know they need exercises instead – you’re going to run into problems very, very quickly if you don’t have that conversation with them about WHY!

A failure to do this means they get confused – if they get confused, they drop off!

Which is why it all comes down to this:

“Success in business comes down to one thing – communication.”

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#5 How To Get Buy-In

Contrary to what most PT’s do – do not proceed with treatment before asking for “permission”.

After your OBJECTIVE ask them to take a seat – and have a conversation with them about IF THEY WANT YOU TO PROCEED.

Do NOT cash the cheque until they’ve signed it!

Because if you don’t (ask), you are not giving them a chance to commit and ASK QUESTIONS they need answers to before you begin.

We want them to ask ANY questions they have, to get any possible objections out of the way – so any objections don’t come up later that night, or a few days later.

Important: Do not take for granted that just because they are in the treatment room with you – that you have a patient.

#6 Escort The Patient To The Desk

This is crucial.

I’ve been in clinics where I’ve seen a patient come to the end of a treatment session, and then have to walk to the front desk – alone.


Big mistake.

If you allow your patients to walk out of the treatment room alone – that’s when they are able to think up an excuse to DROP OFF or back down from what they agreed with the therapist.

Allowing this to happen gives that person “25” seconds to work out an objection to the treatment plan you’ve just given them.

Think about it…

The receptionist will have no idea of what has just gone on inside the treatment room – and if you allow your patient to walk there alone to book their sessions in, there’s a chance that the agreed plan won’t go ahead.

Don’t leave how many sessions your patient is agreeing to with the therapist in the hands of your Receptionist.

Pharmacists don’t decide on the volume of the medicine… the REAL experts do (the doctors)

Have your Therapist go WITH THEM to the front desk and book it all out.

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#7 Don’t Let Patients Become “Lost Sheep”

In an ideal world we would love patients to schedule out ALL of their visits – and then attend.

But we all know – it doesn’t always work out that way and some will ‘drop-off’ (…and then these people become ‘lost sheep’).

Now, we can’t always STOP this from happening, but we can limit it.

How? We go down every avenue we can to STOP ‘drop-offs’ from happening.

If they call to cancel their appointment…

Get them to reconsider.

If they say ‘no’

See if you can MOVE it.

And if they still say no…

Get to the root-cause of WHY (they want to drop off).

If you just accept their cancellation and let them slip away, you’ll likely lose them forever and miss out on helping them make the best decision.

Next, what if they do drop off, or don’t show up at all?!…

#8 Follow-up With Drop-offs

This is the one thing that doesn’t cross the minds of most PT business owners…

They think once someone’s cancelled, or doesn’t show it’s game over.

Well it will be game-over if you don’t follow-up!

Follow-up with these people who don’t go ahead with agreed treatment plans and have real conversations about the problem.

OR it’ll keep on happening.

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#9 The Biggest Area Of Opportunity With Drop-offs

Is by keeping IN TOUCH.

(With an email follow-up system and the telephone).

I said it above – if we fail to keep in touch, we’ve lost them forever.

The FORTUNE is in the FOLLOW UP – is another one of my favourite sayings!

Most people will think they can get their problem solved elsewhere.

And some will!

…But many won’t!

And many will never think to get back in touch with you in fear of looking ‘silly’.

You likely know I’m BIG on having systems in place – and this one email follow-up system will address that you know why they might have gone elsewhere, but that you also know they won’t get what they NEED by going elsewhere!

This will get them back onto schedule, and quick!

That’s ‘drop-offs’ and ‘no-shows’ covered, but what happens when a patient comes to the end of their treatment plan?

#10 The Final Phase Of The Patient Journey

This is something that I like to call:

“The Graduation” process.

When the initial care plan is over, most clinics will let that person walk out hoping that they might just come back again if they get a bad back, or a sore ankle…

But what we want to really be doing is this – keep in touch!

At least via email.

This is where having systems in place is gold.

At the Paul Gough Physio Rooms we have an automated sequence of emails that gets sent to that patient that engages them with content from blogs, connects them on Social Media and talks to them about other products and services…

These emails also allow us to get feedback and 5 star testimonials and reviews (perfect for helping others make better decisions about coming to see you!)…

On average most people will come back for further treatment, and buy additional products and services!

It’s all about being in front of people, to ultimately help them make better decisions – and that should be you!

Okay! There’s your final digest of week 6 of PT Business Growth school…

By now I’m sure you realize these last 6 weeks have been all about creating REAL Systems.

PT Business Growth School is essentially me lifting the hood on three of the WORLD’S most successful Physical Therapy Businesses… and exactly how to automate and systemize EVERYTHING in your business, so that it grows without you!

The GOOD NEWS IS that for a short period of time you can ENROLL in the class starting TODAY.

Click here to go to the page and find more information about the 6 week class you can take right now!…

…Each week we’ll unlock a new module for you and you can join in the Group and ask your questions as they arise.

Go here for more information:

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OR, if you’d like to wait and take part with us in the LIVE action next time it comes around (we don’t know when), here’s what to do next…

Click here if you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes available – and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time >

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

[PT Business Growth School] – The New Patient Journey Experience (Part 2)

BGS Banner - Module 2

So Week 2 of “PT Business Growth School” – has kicked off, and the momentum and energy just keeps building…

This week my 72 students were joined in class by PT industry Superstar “Jerry Durham”…

(…who REALLY lifted the energy!)

What I love about Jerry is that he “gets it”…

He “gets” that as a health care provider we have to do more than just be “great clinicians”…

…We’ve got to be EVEN BETTER providers of EXPERIENCES for the people we serve at our clinics.

It’s why I brought Jerry in to co-teach the module titled “The New Patient Journey Experience” – where we map out the ENTIRE journey – step-by-step – that your patients go through with you, and ensure that they get more than they were expecting.

So with that said, here’s a digest of Module 2, and “10” of the most prevailing highlights from Week 2 of PT Business Growth School.

Key Takeaways


Last week (over in Week 1’s highlights), I explained that your clinics “USP” is possibly the No.1 most important thing you can get clear on to grow your business…

(Your ‘UNIQUE Serving Proposition’)

Once you know that, you can begin to communicate differently with your clients.

The next thing to do is CREATE AN EXPERIENCE that your patients are happy to pay for.

“Goods and services” are no longer enough to foster growth in ANY industry…

…And given that the PT Profession is saturated with undifferentiated providers of what appears to be the “same service”…

…The greatest opportunity to beat the ‘co-pay’ or “deductibles” issue is to deliver an exceptional start to end EXPERIENCE that they’re very happy to pay MORE for.

For context – at my clinic they pay $160 per visit.

$100 for PT…

…The other $60 is for the experience my team and I provide for them.

#2 Being Nice, Polite And Courteous – Isn’t Enough

When it comes to “customer service”, being “nice”, “polite” and “courteous”, just isn’t enough any more.

Those things should be happening anyway.

And I worry that some owners think that’s them providing an experience.

It really isn’t.

When someone pays for a service, they pay for a set of intangible activities to be carried out on their behalf – like a “Massage”.

But when someone buys an “experience”, they pay to spend time enjoying a series of MEMORABLE EVENTS that a company stages to engage them in a personal way…

#3 PT Clinics Are A Commodity

Quick task:

“Do a Google search for PT clinics in your area”.

How many come up?

A lot!

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The problem is this: we live in a ‘Service Based Economy’ where consumers become more and more likely to purchase goods solely on price and availability…

If people in your town can’t “differentiate” between the other clinics in your town and you – then the only thing you compete on is your PT service – and it’s for that reason so many clinics are experiencing a price pressure right now with patients looking for the cheapest, and minimal viable option.

The answer is to provide an exceptional experience that makes you different.

#4 Creating An Experience Requires You To Do 4 Things

Each of these:

1. Educate (actively)

2. Entertain

3. Escapism

4. Aesthetics

And if any one is missing, then customers feel it and will tell you their dislike of their current experience with the words “I can’t afford to come more than once per week”.

Roughly translated as: “I don’t see the value in coming here more than once because I’m only getting a massage or some exercises.”

Give them a reason to come that is MORE THAN JUST PT – and they usually do.

#5 The Way Your Phone Gets Answered Is The Most Important Part Of The Relationship

When a brand new patient makes the decision to pick up the phone and call you, that first phone call is the most important interaction that will take place.


Why so important?

Your no show rates, cancel and arrival rates are 100% determined, before the patient EVEN arrives in your office.

Unfortunately, for most patients, they don’t get more than a “3” minute phone call that does nothing except confirm an appointment time and talk about insurance.

At best they’ll get some directions and told to go onto a website to fill out some forms before they arrive.

That was ok in the 20th Century when people didn’t have a choice, but it’s not acceptable anymore…

#6 A New Way To Answer The Phone

Ir’s important that you don’t get involved in a “transactional” phone call…

…and no matter how they start the call, it’s about you being able to smoothly transition to a question that is both engaging and emotional.

This allows you to add EQUITY and VALUE to the relationship BEFORE you even get them on schedule.

What’s more, doing this will help you better answer the first question that almost all patients ask:

“I need to book an appointment,
*do you take my insurance*?”

#7 Take Your Patients On A Journey

This is the critical difference between the good and the great clinics…

And it’s what successful companies like the ‘Ritz Carlton’ are doing to WOW their customers and stand out from the crowd.

Remember – people don’t want PT, they want the TRANSFORMATION that the skills we have can provide.

(Big difference…)

And one of the things we should do is “time travel” – and that means finding out where people want to get to as a result of coming to see you.

How do you do that?

Take the time to ask them *on the first phone call*!

#8 Chuck The Insurance Under The Bus!

One of the easiest ways to make a connection with a patient is to find something in common…

And if there’s one thing that patients and PT business owners have in common right now…

…it’s a dislike of insurance!

As my good friend Jerry Durham says:

“It doesn’t do any harm to “chuck the insurance companies under the bus” once in a while, if the sore subject of “co-pay” or “deductibles” is getting in the way of much needed care”.

#9 The Value Added Welcome Sequence

This is one of the most powerful systems that helps to grow a thriving PT clinic!

Having this ensures that your patients recognize the value of what you’re bringing to their life – and even provides you with a safety blanket.

That means that even if your secretary is having an ‘off day’ and the first phone call with a new patient doesn’t get answered as you would like…

…You can relax knowing that this email sequence will be in action helping patients to understand more about what makes your clinic so different – and what you will REALLY be doing to help them in exchange for their time and money.

#10 Give Them The “Warm And Fuzzy” Feeling

It’s important to CONNECT with patients before they arrive.

I call it giving them the “warm fuzzy” feeling so that they are excited about coming to see you.

It could be a video of something fun, something that shows-cases you, your staff or your clinic … and allows people to resonate, and feel CERTAIN that they made the best decision about coming to see you!

(People pay a LOT to feel certain these days!)

Ok, there’s your “digest” of Module 2…

To sum up:

It’s all about growing a business that puts PEOPLE first.

If you do that – you’ll make the profits you truly deserve and people will get the help they surely need.

Right now my students are on with their homework ahead of next week – where we’ll be joined by PT industry “numbers” Expert, Andrew Vertson!

PT Business Growth School is all about having a business that grows without you – and for that to happen, you’ve got to track your numbers.

The problem is, which ones??

We’ll be sure to share some of the highlights from Andrew with you, next week.


If you’d like to get notified of when this class next becomes availableplease click here and we’ll be sure to add you to the early priority list, next time.

OR, if you’re brand new to my PT Business Education Material:

Click here to subscribe to my email list and I’ll send you more Physical Therapy Business Education >>>

Your PT Business Was Never Meant To Be A Struggle

As I write to you I’m sat in a coffee shop in “Melbourne”, South Australia.

“Coldplay”, playing on the radio over my right shoulder.

It’s the same coffee shop I wrote the final words of my first book “The Healthy Habit”, precisely this time last year…

…and it’s the same coffee shop that I’m writing the early words of my new book, that’ll be published early next year.

The relevance to you??

Let me explain:

Just last week I held a live, global video seminar with all of the PT Owners in my coaching program.

(There’s “32” of them now).

As part of the program I bring in guests from OUTSIDE of the PT industry to talk to everyone about the other things that business owners need to be more successful.

This time I hired in one of the worlds best motivational speakers – “James Ashford” – to talk to us all about “goal setting and planning for higher profits in 2016 and beyond”.

And on the call, James asked everyone what their goal was of 2016.

The typical answer, went something like this:


* “Get 50 patients per week”…

* “To get 200 patients per week”…

And for one guy,

* “To open 3 more clinics”!


But here’s the thing I had to point out:

That’s not what they REALLY want to achieve in 2016.

“That’s just what they NEED to do,
to get what they really WANT”.

Does that make sense??

See, none of us lie awake at night dreaming about another “50” patients coming through the doors this week…


What we do dream about, is what we would DO, if they DID!

(Such as take an extended trip to South Australia…)

That’s the real reason WHY we want those extra patients and is what you must first figure out … and then focus on… if your goals are to be achieved.

To be more successful in business, it’s easier if you start AT THE END.

Think about “WHY” you want those extra 50 patients per week next year, anyway…

What difference would it make to the quality of yours and your families lifestyle??

When you know that…

…and you can FEEL that…

…it becomes a LOT easier to tackle all of the things you’re going to need to do, to get there.

(Like, invest some of your time and money in learning the rules of “direct response marketing”).

Most business owners are about to go head long into another years worth of struggle and frustration…

…waking up each day wondering why they’re not achieving their goal of “X” number of patients – not really sure why they’re even in business in the first place.

I’ll be starting the year thinking about my *travel plans*.

And, creating *systems* that’ll let me spend 5 months of 2016 out of the UK and with my family, looking for more swing parks for my boy “Harry” – and sun drenched coffee shops for me, sharpening my authors pencil (as I sip on my extra hot, no-foam Latte), knowing that my business is funding it all for me.

Is there any other reason to be a small business owner??


I have every faith that if you find your reason “WHY”, you could achieve it too.

Want some help to get there faster??

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>


Paul Gough

Why Physical Therapy Is A ‘Grudge Purchase’ – And How To Persuade More People To Want To Say YES At Your PT Clinic

In this PT Profit Academy Tutorial, we show you how to make your PT clinic adverts more successful.

We begin by explaining why the Marketing and promotional material adverts you’ve run in the past, maybe haven’t worked as well as you would have liked.

The Words You Use 

Marketing success… it’s all to do with the “words” you use, and the order in which you choose to write them, and where you place them so that your ideal patient can see them. That’s it!  Nothing much more too it.

To make PT adverts more successful… there’s a certain language that you’ve got to use… a way of communicating with potential and exiting patients that is able to persuade them they you, obviously, are the right choice for them. As they see and understand it.

And “persuading” your potential prospective patient to give you their time, their deductible and their copay is a skill set that anyone can learn …and is one of the reasons why so many of the ad campaigns that our sister company …the “Paul Gough Physio Rooms” run, are so successful at helping us to acquire the right number of ideal patients.

We figured out that the words that we use in our ads had to resonate with the “WHO” we wanted to attract to our clinic — usually people aged 50+ wanting to avoid painkillers and stay active and mobile.

So it made sense to study this topic of “persuasion”, in more depth.

Now I know it’s easy to think that “you’re busy running your clinic”, and you “just don’t have the time”…

… but the truth is, if you want to get more NP’s to your clinic, get a better R.O.I on your marketing – then mastering the art of ‘persuasion’ is the one single best things that you can do to help you get there faster.

So lets look at what REALLY Motivates and Persuades Your Patients to say YES from seeing your Adverts and I’ll start by asking you this question:

“Why is Having Better ‘Persuasion Skills’ So Important In The Advertising and Sales Process?”

Simply put, Physical Therapy is something I call a “Grudge Purchase”. And what I mean by that, is this:

No body really wants to go and see one… and they definitely don’t want to pay for one! Anything to do with something that a person takes for granted – walking, bending over, reaching in the cupboard, or even anything that has fixed itself in the past (like back ache!), OR even never had to pay for themselves in their life (especially since copay and reimbursements are now higher) – is classed as a Grudge Purchase.

Get me out of here!!

If your prospective patient thinks that they can get away without having to pay for health care services, (which is why so many people wait for a long time, hoping that they’ll wake up the next day with no back pain), then the simple answer is, that they won’t even consider it!

Lets be honest… Physical Therapy isn’t exactly something that people look forward to going to… and it isn’t really seen as a ‘desired’ experience to get excited about.

Don’t forget:

- They've got to trust you enough to put

And the fact they have to pay for ALL of those things, makes your PT services a ‘Grudge Purchase’.

When I realized this, I made communication, customer service and the EXPERIENCE my patients would receive, the forefront and centre of my own PT business (the Paul Gough Physio Rooms).

If I’m honest, all of that is actually MORE important than what actually goes on in the treatment room! Hard for PT’s to accept, but it’s the truth.

So now you know that people see your PT service as a “grudge” purchase… it’s easier to overcome the obstacle it presents to your PT clinic profits. And it is possible to change the way people think about your PT service and get more people to be more excited about coming to your clinic and happy to pay their contribution to PT.

Most People Just Aren’t Motivated To Do Anything

Here’s the thing… as a rule, most people aren’t motivated to do anything – and they won’t be even thinking about coming to you until they know you CAN help THEM – as THEY UNDERSTAND IT!…

You’ve got to show people why YOUR Physical Therapy clinic and your service and your solution to their back pain… is the one that they should get off their couch for, jump into their car for, and the one that they should reach into their wallet and pay you for!

Another key thing to keep in mind is that human beings are hard wired to say ‘no’ to pretty much everything.

People will come up with any and every reason as to why they can’t pay for your PT services… yet they’ll likely order a TV from Amazon later that same week for way more than the $500 Copay that is required to come and see you!!

Hence why sales and marketing training actually exists, and why it’s so important to start implementing both of those skills at your clinic, starting today!

Want some help to get started?

Ok… to get you started with some better sales and marketing skills (persuasion!), here’s how to tap into the minds of your prospective patients, to get you more of them, faster…

What Are The Fundamentals Of Persuasion?

1.) The ambition to escape the unwanted, is THE biggest and fastest motivator.

One of the things you’ll see in advertising land is that the big corporate hospitals will advertise positives. They’ll broadcast an image of a person aged 50+,  riding a bike and looking healthy, and use a slogan something along the lines of “a healthier you”.The problem with that is, that turns people away. People don’t have an ambition to be healthy – they have a bigger ambition not to be unhealthy – those are two totally different things…

Unfortunately through medical school as a PT, you were conditioned to think that what you do =  what people want (to be healthy and active). But that’s not what motivates people… What does motivate people, is if you can move them away from their pain – if you can promise them that your services will ease their back pain, allowing them to spend quality time with their Grandkids that they’re currently missing out on!

Hint: Your marketing messages should always take people away from their pain, don’t focus on the typical healthy, happy, smiley face type images that won’t attract you new patients.

I’ll give you an example:

If you’re having a conversation with a lady called Kathy aged 65, who has suffered with back pain for the past two years, you’re going to find it very difficult to convince her that life is going to be perfect, and pain-free in a couple of weeks time…

But… if you have a conversation with “Kathy” about moving her away from the back pain she’s in right now, and how Kathy will be able to enjoy gardening again quickly, it’s easier to motivate her to come to see you for physical therapy.

Also, here’s the key thing to remember…

2.) Always drag people out of the dark – NEVER into the light

Resist the temptation to think that promising to make a patient healthy is what they want.Hint:  It is! BUT it’s not the one thing that’s going to make them pick up the phone, or book in 10 sessions with you.You have to keep reminding people in your adverts, in your calls, in your prescriptions of care, and in every.single.treatment session – that one session with you, may be able to help them walk for 15 minutes that day instead of the current 5 minutes they’re struggling with.

3.) Take people away from negative emotions – triumph!

Remember, before people decide to come to you, they are nervous, fearful and skeptical.

There’s not enough trust engraved in their mins that your PT services are going to take away their back pain for good. Keep showing them WHY your services are the one for them.

Now you’re aware of how to position your PT clinic’s marketing to be able to acquire more new patients  – now let me explain to you more about this important subject that I touched on earlier in this blog post:

 Persuasion – And The 5 Levels Of It That Exist

Here they are:

Level 1 – I exist, therefore you should buy me!

Level 2 – I’m bigger, better AND faster than others, so buy me! (MOST PT’s ARE COMMUNICATING AT THIS LEVEL HERE!)

Level 3 – I have a unique, new and relevant mechanism that will deliver a benefit, so you SHOULD buy me!

Level 4 – I have a unique, new and relevant mechanism that will deliver bigger, better and faster benefits, so buy me!

Level 5 – I understand you at a deeper level including your goals, emotions and identity..and when you understand that I have crafter something just for you, you will WANT to buy from me.

One thing  you should know, and explains why most PT marketing FAILS, is this…  most PT’s are stuck at levels 1 and 2...the message that they use simply doesn’t connect or resonate with enough people to motivate them enough to say YES to responding to their advert.

It’s akin to saying “I’m a PT, I’ve been qualified for 10 years, here’s my address and here’s my number, call me if you’re in pain”… it really isn’t going to PERSUADE all that many people to want to do business with you or part with their Copay.

So, if you really want to take your business to the Next Level, and consistently and reliably be a able to get more new patients at your PT practice (without needing referrals from doctors), then you need to position your marketing message at LEVEL 5.

Explain through your advertising message why you’re able to help them – that you “understand they don’t want to rely upon pills for the rest of their life” and that you have the perfect solution to help them to defeat that concern.

A marketing message focused on that such as that which I’ve just described – the core desires of your ideal patients –  will resonate and compel people to call your office.

Remember, successful marketing is not so much about you… it is more about proving that you understand the problems that your potential clients are experiencing… and then take the time to show how you can solve them.

If you want some help to grow your PT Clinic without needing referrals from doctors (using Level 5 Marketing and Persuasion skills)… then the next best thing to do is to join my email list:

Subscribe here and I’ll be sure to send you regular tips on this important topic of Marketing:

Sign up to Pauls email list and get Marketing ideas and strategies for your pt clinic sent to you by email:

Click Here to Subscribe to Paul’s Marketing Tips Email List >>>

3 Ways To Make Your PT Website A Lean, Mean “Self-Referral” Machine (…And Why It Should Follow The Rules Of A “First Date”!)

If you’re frustrated by the number (or lack of) self referrals happening from your website, then this article is perfect for you:

So, just about every independent “pt” clinic owner I speak to, tells me something like this:

“I know I need to do something about my website – I just don’t know where to begin”

If that’s you too, then let me help you out with 3 tips to improve your website and explain why designing a website to boost self-referrals – should follow the rules of “going out on a first date!” 


Tip 1.) Make Regular changes To Your Site And NOT Just One Big, Complete Overhaul

It’s tempting to think that the best thing to do is just start the whole thing again, but most times it’s better to test what’s working and what isn’t on your current site before you build a new one from scratch.

Now, if you’re getting NOTHING in the way of anyone mentioning having found you on Google searches – or commenting on how helpful your website was in the decision making and self-referral process (the ONLY reason for having a website) – then I agree, it maybe time for a big change… as a website that isn’t working for you to deliver self-referrals is actually costing you a lot of money and would be worth spending some $$$ on!

But where most clinic owners go wrong is this:

They think they have to build a website from scratch – which usually takes months (and is painstakingly difficult and expensive to complete), then, when it’s FINALLY created, realise not much has changed in the way of getting more self-referrals.

And what’s more, by the time the new website is finished, there’s always the temptation to think it’s still not good enough – made worse when you take a look at someone else’s website that you like better and decide that yours is now “out of date”, or needs more work.

So they start planning ANOTHER website rebuild.

And yet all they change is the “colours”, or the fonts and add a few more pretty pictures to make it look like one they “like” and “think” works.

But, that’s not the best way to do.

No, you’re much better off making small, but very regular changes to your website after TESTING what is working and finding out what isn’t – such as your “enquiry forms” or pages that you’re asking for patients to do take action, such as “contact us”.

Use something like “Optimizely” (which I use) or “Visual Website Optimiser”, to do this and even track the number of phone calls you get from EACH PAGE of your website, using “call tracking metrics” which is the software I use to track it from my own website.

Tip 2.) Turn To “Direct Response” Style Pages

There’s essentially two different types of websites you could chose from.

One is known as a “brochure site” (…that most web designers will want to build and try to charge you a LOT of $$$), then there’s another other (which actually makes some money and costs a let less) and is called a “Direct Response” style website.

Now, most pt website’s I’ve been asked to critique are “brochure sites”.

Nothing wrong with that – UNLESS it’s bringing in referrals everyday like clockwork.

(But I suspect, most don’t).

See, the problem with brochure websites is that the OWNER judges his or her website by how nice they look – and is often guided by a web designer who is CLUELESS (respectfully) about direct response marketing – or leaves it to another company who designs their website just the same as everyone else who uses their templates too.

And the re-design project is considered a success based upon “subjective” things – like “whitespace”, “feel”, how many pretty pictures are up there and even on what it says about the company and the owner of the business on the home page (…as opposed to testing).

But non of that is going to influence visitors/new patients on your site to take action.


Well, let me explain it to you with an analogy from the “dating” world:

Think about going on a first date with a girl or guy you’ve just met…

Would you “ask for marriage” when you first hook up?

Course not!

Well, asking people who have JUST arrived on your pt website to “book an appointment” with you is a lot like talking about “marriage” (or having kids) on a first date.

Sure, he or she may look BEAUTIFUL (…just like many pt websites do) – but it’s just too big of a leap for anyone to say “yes” on that first date to marriage!

In fact, you’d scare them off so much that they’d never come back.

And the same thing is likely happening the first time someone lands on your website if all you do is give them the option to “book an appointment”.

It would be much more likely to lead to a life long and lasting relationship with that patient if you offer to get to know him or her first…

And besides, when it comes to websites (and not date nights!!) it’s often true that “ugly” work best – so there’s no need for expensive web design costs anyway.

Websites with compelling, emotive copy and REAL reasons to respond are much more profitable – even if they’re a little “ugly”.

So that’s one problem…

And the second biggest problem I see with brochure style websites is this:

They’re all about the clinic and the clinic owner or staff.

And NOT what the clinic can do or who it helps – which is what the visitor is really looking for.

Back to our dating analogy.

How long would the date last (or would you get another one?) if all you spoke about on your first date was “YOU”?


Now, contrast that with a “Direct Response” style website, and you’ll find that it’s ALL about the VISITOR and what the clinic can do to help them.

(Big difference, massive difference).

Even the “ABOUT” page should be written in a way that shows “WHO” the clinic helps and should start with “We Help…” and NOT, “We Are…”, like most do!

Same with the staff profiles: Instead of listing qualifications and hobbies and interests of the pt’s you employ, why not use this area to say “he helps people with….”, or “he is the pt you should choose if you have back pain”… etc etc etc.

Even just doing that is much more likely to bring the person looking on your site closer to you – and more like to book an appointment. What you’re doing here is magnetically attracting people towards you based on what you can do to help them, not shouting out at them about who you are and how good you are.

For an example of a very profitable direct response website, please click here:


It’s my own clinics website – there’s lots of testing gone into the pages and buttons and is based upon everything that I learned while studying studying “Direct Response” marketing techniques.

Now, what you’ll see is that on every single page, there’s a compelling reason for the visitor to RESPOND or take action – and not always just to “book an appointment”.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the difference, too:

For an example, look at the website and see how I use the words “ENQUIRE” (and not “BOOK”).

That’s because there’s much LESS commitment to enquire about my services, than to book!

I’m not saying “arrange a date with me”…

By using the word “enquire” I’m giving the visitor the option to find out more about me BEFORE they decide they would like me to take them to the movies or out for a meal!

Tip 3.) Begin A Relationship By Offering Something Valuable In Exchange For Contact Details (And Follow Up)

And what you’ll notice about my site is that I’m NOT just asking the person to call me off the back of reading a glowing reference (written by me) saying how good I am, how long I’ve been in business, or, that I pride my self on great customer service and am “highly qualified”.

(Like almost EVERY website does!)

I’m all of that – but would you go for dinner with someone after ONLY seeing their profile on a dating site – the one that everyone knows is written by them?

Of course not!

But if you’re kind of interested, you’re going to have a few back and forth style emails or SMS messages to see if what they say about them selves seems to be true, and IS what you’re looking for – before you commit to the date night!

It should be the same “low risk” process on your website.

Saying how professional you are, or how many qualifications you’ve got etc etc etc, those types of lines are not going to motivate anyone to book an appointment with you.

(And besides – all your competitors are saying the same thing and have the same qualifications anyway)

The reality is they’re the base line of what people expect these days – so to shout about it, well, it isn’t really going to give you an edge!

It’s much better to use your website to “begin a relationship with a visitor”.

Back to “dating”:

If you meet someone in a bar or online, chances are you’ll offer them your number or email address BEFORE you ask for the date.

Same with your website.

Offer visitors something valuable like a “free tips report” (something that looks like this):

Marketing ideas for pt's

…And which you’re happy to give away in exchange for their contact details. 


So that you can then follow up and explain multiple times over (using emails, direct mail or on the phone…) all about your pt clinic and how easy it is to self-refer – which is of course, the number 1 end goal of having a website in the first place.

For an example on how to do that on a pt website (not to pick up dates! lol), go here:

And see how I offer to HELP my new visitor (with back pain) before I ask them for money by booking an appointment.

Of course, on there, I leave a little message saying something like “if your need is urgent, please click here” which alerts the small number of visitors whose need is urgent to the fact that they can book an appointment, if they’re in a lot of pain and ready to book now.

(I do have dating analogy for that – but best not bring it up, lol)!!

The fact is, 99% of the people who visit your website are NOT ready to book now.

They’re NOT ready to commit to marriage.

They’re just looking for information and want to get to know you a little better.

Design your website so that you can give it to people and preferably  in exchange for contact details so that you can have repeated attempts at getting your message across.

Do that, and you’ll soon see that “self-referrals” from your website will go off the scale as people realise that they like you and trust you for offering to help them FIRST. Often that alone is enough to get you noticed above everyone else in town who is immediately asking for the sale – from someone who hardly even knows of them.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Make Your PT Website More Profitable >>>

Paul Gough

Author, Clinic Owner, Founder at PT Profit Academy

P.S For more website tips like this, come and join all the other pt’s in the USA on my email list: Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Make Your PT Website More Profitable >>>

How To Use Facebook To Get More “Self Referrals” At Your PT Clinic – Even If No One “Likes” You

Facebook remains one of the best ways to generate more self-referrals at your pt clinic.

But it’s not always as simple as posting a few status updates about what you or you clinic is up too – despite what you might have been told by “social media experts” out there.

So let’s look at a slightly different strategy to boost self referrals from Facebook.

One that I’m currently using at my own clinic so I can say for sure that it does work at delivering more self-referrals:

Essentially you’re going to pay for adverts to be placed right in the news feed of a specific target market.

Here’s how this one works:

Basically, you set up an advertising account on Facebook and choose a custom or target audience.

It could be people aged 50+, of a certain income level, say $50’000 +, who live within 10 miles of your clinic.

That will produce a list of about a few thousand people at least (depending upon where you live) and if you wanted to make that list even more targeted, you can select to only serve your ads to people who like to be “active”, and who have children or grandchildren.


Well, it’s been my experience that one of the biggest reasons for people to come and see me is NOT their back or knee pain.


It’s what their back or knee pain STOPS them for doing.

And if it’s from being socially active with friends or from playing with grandchildren, then they’re much more likely to want to come and see me (and not feel as though they “have” to – a.k.a a “grudge purchase” with lots of resistance to care plans).

And why would I target people aged 50+?

Because those people are MUCH more likely to care enough about their health to spend money on it and value the freedom that better health brings – than those younger.

So my ads from Facebook are going to people I don’t even know.

People who haven’t “liked” me and most probably don’t even know who I am!

But it doesn’t matter.

Because with the style of ads that I run, I’m not trying to convince anyone to come and see me – not yet, anyways!

See, Facebook “advertising” lends its self to running adverts that offer free tips and advice reports – like a pdf or an ebook that they can instantly download.

A bit like this one I currently run to begin a relationship with people suffering with neck pain:

Pt marketing ideas

So what happens is when that person sees this ad (which is served in their newsfeed), they click it, get taken to another webpage where they are then asked to enter their contact details in order for me to send the pdf to them.

I request their email address and I also insist on telephone number too.

And they’re nearly always happy to give it as the free tips report is of perceived value to them!

And when they give it to me (after clicking on my ad which they saw in their newsfeed), I send the pdf to them via an automated email.

This is a style of marketing known as “Lead Generation”.

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(And is pretty much how grew my clinic from one… to a chain of 4, in just a few short years).

See, I’m AWLAYS happy to give away free advice in exchange for contact details – because once I have their contact details, my FOLLOW UP SYSTEM can get to work automatically and explain all about how I can help ease their back pain *more quickly* (than going it alone with my tips report) and how easy it to self-refer to my clinic.

I send emails, follow up on the phone and even send direct mail if I can get their address – which we ask for the very first time we call them (usually about 24 hours after they opt in for the freebie pdf) and all we do is just start by answering any questions and over coming objections, until they say “yes” and decide to become a paying patient.

This strategy works like crazy and can be replicated across any advertising media – like newspapers, magazines or even google ad words too!


And what often happens as a result of getting these types of ads served into peoples newsfeed on Facebook is that people begin to “comment” and share the ad, or like it.

And sometimes, other people who do know you who see the ad, they begin to comment beneath it and say how good you are, or how positive the experiences are that they’ve had with you.

(A community of people talking about you is therefore created as a happy by product).

So as an added bonus to the lead generation that is happening and is my goal, I also get calls from people who saw the add, noticed the nice comments from other people, hopped on over to my website and decided to give us a call.

So we get self referrals even from people who don’t follow out intended path – which is to first take the tips pdf.

The “lead generation” strategy requires a follow up system and if you have one, will often deliver a self referred patient not long after they request the pdf.

The people who you’re targeting have a problem you can solve — they’ve told you that by requesting the report – now send them some more information via email or in the post to show how pt can help them get there faster.

To recap, here’s the 5 steps you need to make this work:

1.) Choose a custom audience inside Facebook

2.) Show adverts to that group that promise to solve a problem i.e. a free back pain tips report (not advertising you or your clinic)

3.) Have a webpage ready to collect contact details

4.) Send the free report via automated email

5.) Follow up with your new lead 24 hours later (and then again at regular intervals their after until they say “yes”).

Hope this helps.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

Paul Gough
Author, Clinic Owner, And Founder at PT Profit Academy

P.S If you want an idea of numbers and how much to spend…

I allocate the equivalent of just $500 per month for each “Pocket of People” I want to reach.

(A pocket of people being people with a specific injury – such as knee pain, back pain, shoulder pain etc etc).

And my return on investment, can, at certain times of the year reach as high as 6 : 1.

So for every $1 dollar I spend, I recoup about $6 back.

Lets break it down:

If your average patient value is $1000 (initially), then lets say 100 people each month request your free pdf guide (which could easily happen with a $500 budget), even if just 3% of those people said “yes” to pt, you’d show a net profit of $2500 upfront.

(3 patients x $1000 value = $3000 – $500 ad spend on Facebook = $2500)

That’s a 600% return on investment just by opting for a lead generation strategy that begins a relationship by offering to help people FIRST.

And then telling them more about you and pt, later.

And who knows what that figure might rise too in the long run…

Because if those 3 patients refer friends, tell people about you, come back to see you, or buy other products and services from you in the future, then you’re going to make even more by running these types of ads and adopting this type of strategy.

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How To Get More “Self Referrals” At Your PT Clinic Even In A Small Town Crowded By Chiropractors And Big Hospitals

If you’re NEW to Marketing your Physical Therapy Clinic, you might NOT be familiar with the term “Lead Generation”…

…but it’s an important one for you to know more about if you want to BOOST “self-referrals” so please let me help you out with an explanation of what it is and why using it in your marketing could be a game changer for your clinic numbers:

“Lead Generation” is simply running adverts with the sole goal of beginning a relationship with some one you can help.

In the beginning, you’re NOT asking for any money or an appointment in your ads.

No… You’re just going run adverts (in newspapers or magazines etc) with the sole intention of getting *contact details* so that you can have MULTIPLE attempts at following up on that initial enquiry – because not enough people know enough about pt and are ready to say “yes” straight away.

Why does this method work so well for pt’s in particular?

Well, it’s because in society there’s just too much confusion over what a pt actually does.

Some people think we only help sports people, others think it’s all about exercises or machines and most people with back pain think of a chiropractor before a pt – yet we’re just as able to help (if not more, given we get to the root cause of the problem!)

And because Direct Access is just as confusing for pt’s as it is patients, the smartest thing to is just forget about both completely in your ads.

Don’t try to explain who you are or what you do…

And most definitely do NOT try to explain the laws of direct access in ANY adverts or on your website.


Well, people are not really interested in it – and if you do highlight how easy it is for people to go and see a pt, you also run the risk of advertising on behalf of your competitors across the street who might see a bump in their referrals as result of your “it’s easy to self-refer to see a pt” style adverts (!!).

So, Lead Generation means you’re NOT asking for the person reading your adverts to call and book an appointment – you’re only asking for people to call your clinic and request something of perceived value to them (that you’re happy to give in exchange for contact details).

Now, that something of perceived value could be a “How To” style pdf or report that you’ve wrote containing your best advice to help some one recover from, say, “back pain” (or knee pain, etc).

Something that might look like this:

Marketing ideas for pt's

(This report ^ is the EXACT one I use for my own clinics marketing when I want to get the attention and contact details of people with back pain).

Now, you might be thinking that if people call to request FREE advice, they won’t go on to become a patient?

Well, there’s no need to worry about that, and here’s why:

No body really wants to do this on their own… they initially just think they do but are just too confused, unsure and even frightened of getting the decision wrong to actually pick up the phone and call a pt to book a pt appointment.

The fear of the unknown stalls most people from doing just about everything!

Advertising free appointments works for Chiropractors because 9 out of 10 people on the street would know that those guys specialise in back or neck pain.

So they almost automatically go and see one if they have either – simply because they know everyone else does – and all chiropractors have to do to help the referral process along is provide their phone number in the local newspapers.

But, unfortunately it’s not like that with physical therapy.

And when people are unsure, confused, skeptical, or even nervous about a decision that could result in both time and money wasted – not mention embarrassment about calling the wrong place – then they will do NOTHING!

It’s just too big of a step for most people to “cold call” a pt clinic and book an appointment right off the back of seeing an advert in a newspaper or google.

You’ve got to first earn their trust…

Give them a little hope and a reason to respond to your advert that isn’t going to cost them in either time or money – and give people a “lower barrier to entry”.

Give them what I call a “little win” (by following the tips in the report so they can see for themselves your advice works) and make it super easy for them to reach out to you with their resistance levels lowered.

And a free tips report which offers some expert advice on how to ease their pain WITHOUT any commitment needed (financially or in time) does both.

And of course, one of your tips is to visit your clinic 😉

So here’s how to make this Lead Generation strategy work for boosting self referrals even in a small town crowded by chiropractors:

If you run an advert in the local newspaper and promise a free tips report on ways to end back pain – the only people who call are people with what?…

That’s right, “BACK PAIN”.

(Or whatever pocket of people you want to target).

And so when they’re on the phone telling you all about their back pain troubles, why don’t you simply drop into the conversation that “you help people like them every day at your pt clinic?”

Explain how easy it is to “self refer”.

Maybe offer a free first visit.

And make it almost impossible for them to say no by offering to diagnose their problem (everyone wants to know what’s wrong!) and promise to provide much more specialist advice and hope for the future, if they come for a free visit to your clinic?

Explain that no referral from a doctor is needed.

Thats there’s no insurance or payment forms to sign and they’d be under no obligation to book any appointments after that first session?

Do you think that one or two might say “yes”?

Of course they would!

Having a conversation on the phone with someone is way cheaper than trying to explain all of this in an advert, or even on a website, as it can often and so very easily be mis-interpreted.

So know you know that the goal of your advert was simply to get the phone ringing off the hook with people wanting information about a problem that you know how to solve.

An example of how the dollars might stack up:

If a quarter page advert costs $300-400 to run, and your initial upfront patient value is “$1000”, then even just 2 people who “YES” is a very healthy immediate NET profit return of $1600 on your advertising.

But it gets better.

Because you’ll also get people who call and say “not right now thanks”, to your offer of pt.

But they are still somewhat interested and have a need for your skills.

So, what do you do with those people?

Well most clinic owners do nothing.

But those people are where the REAL gold is.

And all you have to do is put them put them into a follow up system… and continue to keep in touch with them using things like email, telephone calls and direct mail – providing the prospective patient with more information so that they can make a better, more educated decision about pt – as most times all that is holding them back is they just want to know a bit more first i.e. you need to earn their trust!

Some of the people who originally said no will “yes” within a week, others, maybe 30 days or so!

And as a general rule of thumb, the longer you stay in touch, by sending emails or direct mail, the more likely they will say “yes”.

After all…

WE know that chronic lower back pain isn’t going to go away unless it gets looked at properly — just stay in touch until they’ve realised it too and the patient decides for them self that pt IS the right choice to make 😉

So there you go – a proven strategy to boost self referrals at your pt clinic.

Paul Gough
Founder at the PT Profit Academy.

Click Here To Get Regular Tips To Boost Self-Referrals Sent To You >>>

P.S I say it’s PROVEN, because it is…

And just incase you think “this strategy won’t work for me in my state”… Talk to my client “Oliver Patalinghug” over at Restore PT LLC in Michigan – a state which has THE strictest Direct Access Laws in the whole of the United States…

…we made this precise lead generation strategy for him work to deliver a continuous stream of hot new patients that come to him first – and then HE decides which doctor to send them to for the necessary referral.

If it can work EVEN IN Michigan, it will work for you, too. 

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Big Corporate Hospitals – You Vs Them And One “Killer” Way To Get Patients To Choose Your Small Town PT Clinic, And By Pass Them

So the other day I mentioned that the big corporate hospitals (with a bunch of guys in suits, sitting round a board table sipping on coffee with stockholders to consider) have a completely different reason for marketing than you and I.

Here’s what I mean:


Their Agenda

1.) Please/appease that board of directors (most of ‘em who know zip about advertising and marketing but have lots of options)

2.) Please/appease those stockholders

3.) Look good, look appropriate (even to wall street perhaps, if they’re big enough!)

4.) Look good, appropriate to the media

5.) Look good, appropriate to the government/banks (for future funding)

6.) Build a brand identity (curse that word)

7.) Win awards for best advertising

8.) Get patients through the door and make a profit.

Your Agenda (and mine).

1.) Get patients through the door and make a profit. Now.


Here’s the thing…

Most small town pt clinics are “advertising victims”…

Prayed on by sales people and companies who promise to “do a newsletter”, build a website (and maintain it for a monthly fee), take care of all their advertising etc etc etc, yet, the people doing so, rarely do they know anymore about how to actually produce a patient or make a sale, than the clinic owners do!…

If in doubt, try to get that sales or marketing person to accurately tell you where and how they got those new patients for you — and what it cost from source A or B — or, what results specifically come from this new website, or that newsletter or the latest display ad, and usually,well, they can’t.

Enter Direct Response Marketing.

And let me show you how to use it to get ahead of your bigger competitors.

First, I need you to think about how a “typical” patient with, say, something like “back pain”, might think, and, take action.

As you know…

MOST patients don’t take action the minute they feel their back pain coming on.


Many wait weeks, months and even years before doing something about it.


Including, but not limited too:


* Not sure what a pt actually does

* Insurance hassles and headaches

* Time – everyone thinks that tomorrow will be the day it just disappears

* Self doubt – most people are so negative that they think nothing and no one can help “ME”.

* Easier to just suffer (than find time for 10 sessions of pt)

* Too much choice (pt, chiro, osteo, drugs, homeopath etc etc) meaning that it’s easy to get the decision wrong – so inaction seems the best and safest one.

* And many, many more.


So now think about how you could possibly motivate all of these people people, who think like this, to call your clinic?

Are you really going to do that by simply putting an advert in a newspaper or on Facebook which says “I’m here, call today” (i.e. brand awareness).


Now think about why a patient might choose a corporate hospital in the first place.

It’s all to do with “trust”!

Something that because of the perceived status and authority that a BIG hospital has in society, which is difficult for anyone to match – small town or independent pt’s included.

But there is a way to get round this…

By catching the attention of, a usually unsuspecting prospective patient, by OFFERING them something that is much easier, less hassle and comes with no effort, zero risk or finical outlay (than calling their network or visiting a hospital).

It could a “free tips report”.

Something that has a perceived benefit (and value) and promises to solve their problem — with very little effort required on their part.

That free tips report could be:

“How To End Back Pain Quickly
And Easily In 9 Simple Steps”…

(I call it “bait”.)

And would give people a reason to RESPOND to your advert by calling your clinic…

Therefore giving you an opportunity to, first get their contact details, and then later, begin to answer questions that your new prospective patient has.

And the real GOLD in this marketing strategy, is this:

Once you’ve got their contact details, you’ve also bought yourself some TIME.

TIME which you can use to build authority, trust and respect.

(Like what the corporate hospitals get automatically).


Now you can FOLLOW UP with that person (who you know has back pain) and convince them that YOU (and pt) are the best solution to solve their problem long term.

Maybe tell them all about how you help people just like them with some recent success stories…

Explain why coming to see you is going to be better in the long run, because you can offer the type of personalised and highly specialised care that the corporates can’t…

– AND –

That, you can take care of all the referral and insurance headaches for them, by having your assistant setting up appointments or getting forms faxed to and signed by doctors who you like.

To sum up todays lesson:

Use “direct response marketing” to exchange valuable information for contact details and you get a chance to explain what you really do and how you can really help – LONG before those people were even beginning to think about calling their network and ever get to parking their car outside a big hospital.

In essence…

You’re getting to all these people long before physicians at hospitals are even mentioned.

Make sense?

Let me know what questions you’ve got for me about this.

I love to hear from you and I read all replies personally.

(Just give me a day or so to respond as I’m busy with my own patients too – really busy with new patients at the minute ;-).

Go ahead, hit reply.


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P.S Look out for the next email in this series devoted to showing you how to put an end to worrying about doctor referrals at your clinic.

HIT REPLY and let me know what questions you want answering or fill out this form here to let me know what specific challenges your facing and I’ll work to solve them with you:

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How To Write A Marketing Piece That Can’t Fail To Get Your PT Clinic Phone Ringing “Off The Hook”…

Pull up a chair….

And let me give you a REAL marketing lesson…

…So I’ve told you all about the three different components of the *Marketing Triangle* that you need to know about to sharpen up your marketing tools and get more patients…

(Market – Message – Media).

And a couple times I mentioned something called “Direct Response” marketing.


I’ve had a flood of email replies asking to know more about what “direct response” advertising really is.

So, how about we take a look at an actual ad?

(One I ran recently myself.)

…I’ll walk through what makes it work so well and why people feel compelled to respond to it.

So take a look at this:

marketing ideas for physical therapists

(Use this link to down load it if you can’t see it in this email:

It’s the type of advert that you can use in any media, including but not limited too: Newspaper, yellow pages, radio, television (speak it!), direct mail, website, talks, even public relations.

Note that the ad is NOT about me.

Sure, it features me.

(Even has a picture of me).

But it doesn’t say much about me other than it positions me as an expert, coming along with proven solution to quickly easily end neck and shoulder pain.


Take a look at the headline.

It’s all about the prospective patient I want to attract to my clinic (because I know I can help).

It resonates with their frustrations.

And even their acknowledges their “anger” at being told by a medial doctor or other people to just accept neck pain, or take medication.

This ad even has some “reverse psychology” in play by encouraging the reader NOT to read on… because they’ll regret not knowing about what I’m offering years ago.

If you read down the ad…

You’ll see it’s more of a story.

It feels more like something written by an editor than an ad placed by a local physical therapist.

I do that on purpose as to let people decide to read it before the work out that it’s really an ad.

And as the COPY (the words in the main body of the ad) flows, it unravels a story about how so many people aged 45+ (my target “WHO”) are suffering needlessly because of being told the wrong things by drug companies, friends or family, even their doctor!

This creates an “us Vs them” type mentality.

And gets patients on MY side immediately – making the person reading the ad thinking that someone else is to blame for their problems – positioning me as their friend right away!

What also happens in the main copy is that it agrees with what the patient is thinking about his or her problem – that SOMETHING must be out there to help them – even if it is to just help them a little.

Pat attention to your patients and most will say something like:

“If I can just get a little bit of relief from this I think I could cope better”.

So all I do is write what patients tell me, in these ads.


The solution (my free tips report) doesn’t raise too much false hope, hype, or over the top expectations about being a new miracle cure – which actually puts people off from responding.

Given that we live in a very skeptical society, better to promise a little win, rather than a miracle cure and that’s what I’m doing in this Ad.

Note how I even give the reader a sneak preview of what’s inside the tips report…

I do that to confirm that the “tips” really are self help and simple, and that they’re the type that anyone can follow and benefit from.


Note how I ask for the Response.

The “hallmark” of a direct response ad is the call to action – to act NOW as a result of reading the ad and usually to get something before the offer ends. 

Now, in this ad I only give one way to respond.

(I was running a test…)

A week or so later I ran the same Ad again and I all I added was a website address to get the same report and a free recorded message for people to leave their details by calling a 800 toll free number.

Response increased by nearly a third…

And happened becauseI I added these “risk free” ways of the person getting in touch – no one to “sell them” on a pt session or anything like that!


Just by adding an option at the bottom (1 or 2)…

…I have the reader think about “which one”, rather than “should I call”…

…and the scarcity (the limit to the number of free copies of the guide) DRAMATICALLY increase response – and it happens faster – as a result too.

To sum up todays “lesson”:

The goal of this direct response ad was to stimulate a response from people aged 45+ who would have had ZERO intention of ever calling a physical therapist and paying for treatment had I not offered the “bait” of a free report.

Remember, I’m essentially exchanging my advice (inside a free DIY tips report) for their contact details…

…Because once I have their contact details: address, telephone number and email address – my assistant (and my automated follow up marketing system) can get to work at tackling the objections and showing the person who I now know has neck pain – PRECISELY what I do can help them achieve their goals.

All I have to do is keep showing up on the phone or in their inbox or in the post with some direct mail that says the right things to answer the questions these prospective patients have … and BOOM! I’ve got my self a new patient.

So there you go.

Direct Response Marketing and the Marketing Triangle explained in one go..

You got any questions for me?

Or do you want some help from me personally to help solve your biggest marketing challenges?

Hit Reply and let me know what you now need to make your clinic the go-to clinic in town.

Maybe it’s help with creating your own Marketing System?

Whatever it is, let me know.

I love to hear from you and I read all your replies.

Talk soon,


P.S If you have a marketing piece that you’d like me to critique and dissect for you, then send it over by reply 😉

Note to reader: you can receive regular marketing lessons like this by signing up to Pauls email list which you can do by opting in at the top or the bottom of this webpage – you’ll get some freebie marketing goodies too to help you 😉

PT Marketing Ideas: Why Newsletters Don’t Always Work

So everyone’s telling you to “market to physicians for more referrals”…

And it seems that everywhere you look for advice on how to do that…

Some company or other is “advising” you to send a monthly newsletter and promising you “85 more patients every month” if you let them do it for you.

But here’s the thing:

Usually, the only people who make money out of newsletters, (the type where someone else does them FOR YOU), are the guys who mass print them!

And worse…

“THEY” say that if you produce a newsletter every month and send it to a doctor or physician – then you’ll get some more referrals from him or her because they’ll have “a better awareness of what a PT does”.

But here’s something to consider:

1.) Since “Obama Care” it’s not just you who has to work longer to see more patients to make the same pay cheque as before (they’ve been hit hard too)!

…So, do they really have TIME to read ALL these newsletters they’re getting from PT’s?

2.) If everyone in your town is “marketing to them” with a “done for you” newsletter (which all look more or less the same), how are you ever going to get their attention and convince them you’re the best?

3.) If they’ve got a “special friendship” with a corporate hospital or worse still, a Doctor friend who owns a PT practice, which many have, your newsletter is going straight in the shredder!

4.) Unless it’s a newsletter about investment funds, making more money in their sleep, or retirement homes in Florida, most simply don’t care what you send them!

(Something to think about…)


I happen to think that “newsletters” to your best patients are great…

But only if done *right*…

…where the “content” and “offers” inside are matched perfectly to your patients needs (which only YOU can know best)…

…then “yes”, you can bring back a LOT of patients to your clinic each time you send it.

(But maybe NOT as high as they will promise).

Problem is this…

MOST newsletters I’ve been asked to critique (which are often “outsourced”), have dis-interesting, unimaginative and almost “HORRIFICALLY” boring content that is more of an irritant to patients then a pleasure to read.

(The only plus point is this: they’re nearly all as bad as each other).

So, just incase they duped you too…

I wanted to help make it more profitable for you then anyone else’s…

And that’s by showing you a “trick” that I use to get people to say GREAT things that ARE interesting to OTHER patients and importantly, that you can use as *ammunition* to persuade many more just like them, to want to do business with YOU;-).

And on this training, I show you THREE different ways to turn a profit from it:

Yes! Let Me Have All These 7 Money Making Tactics That My Competitors Don’t Know >>>

…Meaning you don’t have to have be doing a newsletter to make money off of it.

Best – this tactic is AUTOMATED.

…Meaning you can set it up (and forget it) and it will continue to work all day and night for you effortlessly producing more “FOR REAL” content for your newsletter in one week – than ANY of your competitors could ever get in a year.

On DVD 5… I reveal how to save time, money and even COMPEL people to want to do business with you, in ONE go.

I’d say your investment for this full course (just $197) will be worth it for this 1 video alone – never mind the other 4 DVD’s containing 6 more money-making tactics you’ll be getting at the same time too.

If you want them all, start here:

Yes! Let Me Have All These 7 Money Making Tactics That My Competitors Don’t Know >>>


P.S If you do like to keep in touch with the Doctors and show them proof of your skills and results in the hope of referrals…

…Then this tactic will make it easier for you to do that too 😉

Start here:

Yes! Let Me Have All These 7 Money Making Tactics That My Competitors Don’t Know >>>

Marketing Ideas For PT’s : How To Get 33% More Revenue In Your Physical Therapy Clinic.

I do a lot of travelling around the USA to attend Mastermind Groups I’m involved in and speak at seminars…

And on my travels, (because I’m British), I get asked these three questions all the time:

1.) Have I had “tea with the Queen”? (NO. But I have been to her house once or twice).

2.) Have I ever met Simon Cowell? (No. But I did brush past him once in Piccadilly Circus in London).

And, when I’m in a Seminar Hall in the USA, on “business”, I ALWAYS get asked this question by Physical Therapists:

3.) What’s an EASY way to grow my clinics revenue”?

In other words, what’s the quickest way to get more people into my clinic and make more money.

My answer…

“Start by understanding the THREE different types of PROSPECTIVE patients who visit our clinics”.

Which are these:

Prospective Patient 1 – he or she needs little or no information and is ready, able and willing to book an appointment right away.

Prospective Patient 2 – needs some convincing and will conduct SOME research into options but not exhaustive.

Prospective Patient 3 – can not get enough information, and will read and watch everything before making a decision – even if he’s been referred to a clinic by a Physician or Doctor (he or she wants to make up his own mind).


In my experience of running a clinic (and helping other PT’s to increase their profits too), most clinics are fairly “ok” at attracting patients 1 and 2.

All you have to be is fairly competent, have a steady reputation in your market place and you’ve got a chance of getting these fist 2 types (1 and 2) to give you their business.

– BUT –

Nearly all PT clinics are are failing at persuading patients from category 3 – the people who want some more information BEFORE they’ll go any further

So – if you want to increase the number of new patients and revenue at your clinic by 33%, you have to appeal to patients in category “3”.

And, if you’d like to experience the RUSH of charging HIGHER PRICES, or ASKING FOR CASH, then KNOWING HOW to appeal to ALL of these types of patients is critical.

The key word is “information”.

See, these people in category 3 can not get enough of it.

They want a TON of it and they’ll give their business to the PT who supplies it.

Thing is, how do you do it and what information do they REALLY want?

Well, I’ve spent a LOT of time testing how to appeal more to people in group 3 – and experienced HUGE growth in my business because of it.

And yet it really comes down to giving them just “two” pieces of information in order to move them closer to choosing YOU.

(And NOT your competitors)

And guess what?

I’ll teach you what each one is and how to profit from both of them on this new course:

YES Paul! Show Me How To Get 33% More Revenue In My Clinic >>>

Best, they are both AUTOMATED.

Which means you’re only going to have to do each one once (takes approx 15 mins to set up) and they’ll work over and over again for you to make it easier for 33% more people to choose you.

If that sounds like something that would help you achieve financial security, then you really would benefit from investing in this new training now.

Do it today and you’ll save $150 dollars.

Once you confirm your order, head straight to Video 5 and start getting 33% more people to choose you and your clinic.

pt marketing ideas

See you on the training,


P.S Now you know why many clinics are always “just surviving” or “just doing ok” and getting by…

But never really achieving SPECTACULAR results or profits that their “hands-on skills” are worthy of.

33% of people is a LOT of people to ignore…

Imagine what you could do with 33% more patients and 33% more profits this year.

The course is waiting for you here at a discounted rate of just $347 $197 which won’t last too much longer:

YES Paul! Show Me How To Get 33% More Revenue In My Clinic >>>

PT Marketing Ideas: “What A Frustrated PT Sounds Like After A Lack Of Progress When Trying To Reach Local Doctors And Physicians For Referrals”

Frustrated PT (and email subscriber of mine) “Brian” writes:


“Paul… I’m growing increasingly annoyed by the lack of progress I’m making with trying to reach out to surgeons and physicians.

And what frustrates me more is that everyone I talk to just seems to tell me to “market more” to them.

But I’ve tried everything – and non it seems to work that well for me.

Is it just me? Or am I doing something wrong?

I’ve sent testimonials through the post, asked patients to tell their Physician directly how pleased they are with my service and tried calling to set up meetings – but still nothing.

I spoke to one company who told me that I should produce a regular newsletter or a glossy brochure and send it all the Physicians in my area – but that seems costly, and I thought if they’re telling me to do the newsletter thing, then i guess they’re telling all the PT’s round here to do the same – so what good is it going to do?

So before I go any further, I’d like to know what you think?

Brian 48 – Lowell, Indiana.


Ok.. this is a common problem.

A natural consequence of having great hands on PT skills that you want to share with your local community – but not getting as many people through the doors as you need to run a successful practice.

And solved, it would appear, if you could only find a better way to reach Physicians to secure their referrals – agreed?

Well here’s what you should do:

“Turn the whole thing upside down”.

As in, change the way you see these “hard to reach Physicians” and hit them with something that they want just as much as you – and that’s more patients.

And it’s really easy to do.

You just got to get to these patients first.

BEFORE they even get to the point of being told by a Physician which PT they should go and see.

And Brian’s right…

What’s the point in sending a Physician testimonials of how good you?

Does he care?

Of course not!

Is he more likely to be “pandering” to the guys in suits higher up the ladder in the corporate hospital he has a special “friendship” with?

(…Who send him tones of referrals).


So no matter how hard you try – it’s an almost impossible “nut to crack”.

Made worse by marketing companies out there giving PT’s false hope and insisting that “newsletters” (which THEY print and PROFIT from), are going to make THE difference.

Possibly… but unlikely!


It’s simple – how many Physicians do you know with time to read a newsletter?

(Exactly!…you’re likely adding to their frustration by continually doing it.)

So, the only way to REALLY grab the attention of a local Physician is to send them something that they NEED just as much as you…

…And that’s a steady stream of patients so that their practice can make more money too.

And in return, you want some back!

(Or you send yours elsewhere).

The landscape is changing in the USA and NOW’s the time for YOU to be the one who decides where patients go next.

How do you get to that point?

Simple – improve your ability to quickly and easily acquire new patients early – BEFORE they even get close to picking up the phone to a Doctor in their Network.

And guess what?

Video 2 on this new training shows you PRECISELY how you can do that.

pt marketing ideas

Get it here before your competitors (and mine) find out about this new tactic:

7 Low Tech Ways to Get More Patients (including at least one way to get them to Choose You Before a Doctor >>> 

See you on the training 😉


P.S It’s fully Guaranteed too – it works for you and finds you more patients within 48 hours, or I give you your money back – in full – no questions asked.

Look here:

7 Low Tech Ways to Get More Patients (including at least one way to get them to Choose You Before a Doctor >>>