PT Marketing Strategies: Getting Money Back In the Bank Quickly After You Invest In Advertising Or Marketing Activities

Let’s chat about “getting money in the bank quickly”.

Because if you’re a “small town” clinic owner (like me), you’ll know the speed at which cash flows TO YOU, is one of the biggest challenges you face.

And I wanted to bring it up with an example.

Because what a lot of PT Marketing Companies out there fail to take into account with their “advice”, is that Marketing (your services) is not just about generating an increase in revenue for your clinic – it’s also about getting it *quickly*!

Here’s a true story:

A couple weeks back I got to chatting with a PT who told me:

“As a result of all the awareness we’ve raised about Direct Access
we’re now FINALLY cashing in it”.

(Good for him 😉

But here’s the thing…

This guy has had the Direct Access in his State since 2004.

And, I presume, that all this “awareness raising” (of direct access) has cost him a LOT of money to pull off.

And now, over 10 years later, he’s finally making a few dollars on the back of it!

Worse, he even thinks that it’s a “success story”!

I don’t know about you…

But I haven’t got 10 years to wait before I see the results of my labour!

I want paying by 5pm (at the latest) for work I’ve done that same day!

And, as for advertising and telling everyone in his town about the wonders of Direct Access, I couldn’t help but wonder, what impact has he also had on increasing his COMPETITORS revenue?

(An even bigger increase than his I bet – as THEY haven’t had to spend any time or money on doing it).

Now, I’m not suggesting that Direct Access isn’t to be taken advantage of…

It absolutely is!

Just do it in a way that is going to benefit YOU and YOUR patients, and not your competitors – and puts money in your account within days (and not years).

And the way to do that is to advertise “solutions to problems”.

(In the form of “free tips reports” etc etc).

And then, when a prospective new patients show an interest in that SOLUTION (i.e the Free Report), and they’re on the end of your telephone, during a private conversation with your office staff, THEN’S your chance to inform them of how easy it is to now get access to a PT.

Doing it any other way is going to take too long.

And let’s face it…

Patients couldn’t really care less about the new changes in the law until the PRECISE moment in time that they need your PT service to end their pain.

So, back to getting cash in the bank quickly!

Take a look at this:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients And 10X Your Money Back in 48 Hours >>>

It’s designed to get 5X, 10X maybe even 50X the money you’re going to invest (to access it), back into your bank account within 48 hours.

And if you’re too busy to do them all at once.

Just do no.1.

(Sit back and watch the phone ring as a result).

Then do no.2.

(Watch it ring some more).

And so on and so on…

Until you’ve applied them all to your business.

Tip: Please get these PROFIT BOOSTERS from me quickly…

I’m worried that my OWN competitors find out I’ve released them to the public…

Because if they do, I’ll have no choice but to pull this course down as I really don’t want them watching Video 2 and learning how to easily bring in 12-15 new patients every week 😉

Get it here now for $347 just $197:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients And 10X Your Money Back in 48 Hours >>>


P.S You’ve got 30 days to try it and if you don’t like any of them, or they just don’t work for you or bring new patients into your clinic quickly, then email me and ask for your investment back.

And I’ll give it you with no questions asked. Means it’s risk free to see if you make money from it:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients And 10X Your Money Back in 48 Hours >>>

Marketing Strategies: How To Make Even The “Worst” PT Website Deliver More Patients – And Your Clinic More Profitable

I know many PT’s feel this same way…

They’ve been sold a “fancy website” by a Marketing company or an expensive Web designer, paid a lot of money for it, and promised that they’ll get more new patients because of having it.

Some are even told a BIGGER lie.

Something that goes like this:

“The more you spend on your website & the nicer we make it look, the more money you’ll make”.

…In reality, that’s total “BS”!

When it comes to websites, UGLY often works best!

And besides…

It’s not just about what the website looks like, or even the information on there, which makes the biggest difference to RESPONSE.

(People actually contacting your clinic…).

No – it’s actually a LOT simpler than that to make money from owning a website.

And, assuming you know how, there’s a simple little addition you can make to your website that will turn even the WORST performing or UGLY looking website into to a 24-7 regular cash machine for your clinic.

And guess what?

I show you exactly what it is, how to make it work on ANY website – even the “worst” websites – and exactly where to get it from on this new course:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

So, if you’re dissatisfied or unhappy with you’re website right now…

Or, you just think that you should be getting a lot more new patients from it to justify the investment you made in it…

Join me on the training and let me show you how to get a guaranteed “5 or 6” new patients to your clinic EVERY WEEK by adding one simple thing to your website – that takes less than twenty minutes to do.

It’s going to have such a PROFOUND and LASTING impact on your profits
that I decided to put it right at the very beginning of this course.

A tactic so POWERFUL that I even recommend you SKIP the introduction on the course and just go straight to Video 1 – because 20 minutes after watching it, you’ll be seeing more patients contact your clinic.

Best, the NEW patients you’ll attract using this tactic will likely tell you that they would NEVER have booked, had you not given them this option to make contact with you.

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

Imagine how many patients are on your website right now who AREN’T getting in touch – who WOULD do if only you’d make this one simple change – and then imagine how much money that would be worth to you!

So, if one of your problems is Not 100% sure how Market to find your own patients, and you REALLY want to achieve Real wealth ($1m), then this one tactic alone is something that is going to help you achieve it.

Right now, there’s a $150 saving on the course.

And it’s worth a TON more than the $197 I can let you have access to it for right now…

I’m giving you this great deal because I want to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve your business goals.

It’s waiting for you here:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

Paul 😉

P.S It’s fully Guaranteed too…

So confident am I that I’m going to be able to help you get more new patients by you using this tactic and using it like I show you that if it doesn’t RAPIDLY BOOST your clinic profits, then I’ll personally refund your payment in full with no questions asked…

I’ll go one better than that, if any of these tactics don’t give you the benefit that I promise, then I’ll personally get on the phone with you and I’ll work to solve your biggest problems for FREE!

Sound good?

Get it here now before the price of getting new patients into your clinic goes back up to:

7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Cash & Patients In Your Pt Facility >>>>

How To Keep Your PT Clinic Alive With 7 Marketing Strategies That Work Inside 48 Hours!

I know it’s NOT easy running a PT business these days, trying to figure out new ways of keeping your business alive AND juggle a family…

…especially when you probably feel like you’re always being “dumped on” by big insurance companies and Doctors who keep making it harder for patients to do business with you.

And when you think about trying to piece all of this marketing and new patient acquisition stuff together, and find a place to start, I know it can seem overwhelming.

And, especially since you’re likely hearing a load of broke PT’s complaining that marketing and sales tactics “doesn’t work” for us.

So, I wanted to just take a minute and let you know that everything is going to work out OK.

How can I say this?

Because I know precisely how you feel.

Creating a “automated system” to find my own patients and making enough money so I could break away from being a slave to insurance companies all day wasn’t easy for me either… and I sure had challenges of my own… just like you do now.

I invested nearly everything I had, sacrificed time with my young son, borrowed money on credit cards (and from family) and almost went completely broke as a result of air fares, hotel bills and high price tickets to attend all those early seminars in the USA.

In total, I’d say I spent in excess of $50,000.00 in less than 10 months trying to figure it all out.

And, since those days, I’m really lucky that I did discover the one little thing that would change my life forever.

It’s the one thing that let’s me know I’ll never have a “job” again or ever have to beg any Physician for a referral, work with any patients, or deal with insurance company I don’t like, and it’s called an:

”Automated Marketing System”.

(The KEY words are “AUTOMATED” & “SYSTEM”)

Figuring it out has given me the ability to create new patient acquisition systems which run on auto-pilot, delivering new high paying cash patients to the doors of my clinic, that work even when I’m not in the office 😉

And anyway, I want to share them with you…

And on my new course, I reveal 7 of the most simple, easy to implement but hugely profitable ways of acquiring new patients for YOUR PT practice.

Best – you don’t even need to do them all at once.

Because I know how busy you are and that you’ll be anxious to see more cash come in quickly….

What I’ve done is placed them all in order for you so that you can start with the one that I know is going to make you the most money for the ease and speed with which you can implement it into your business.

Then just build on it from there!

While one is bringing in the money, go ahead and plug in your second one.

And so on and so on!

Until you’ve got all 7 of these powerful new Profit Boosters working for you in your business to drive up your new patient intake and even your cash sales.

It’s here for you now…

And you can have instant access to it for $347 just $197 for the next few days only:

<< New Training – 7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Patients At Your Clinic >>>>

It’s ^ got 7 of the fastest ways to BOOST a PT’s profits that you’re likely to find anywhere.

(PERFECT if you’re a small town or independent PT, too)

Please be quick to get them at this price as the discount won’t remain forever:

<< New Training – 7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Patients At Your Clinic >>>> (just two payments of $99)


Paul 😉

P.S It’s fully guaranteed to work too…

Meaning, if you apply these profit boosters to your business and they don’t give you the revenue boost that I’m promising, then you can rightly have ALL your money back – and give it you in full instantly.

Just send me an email if you’re not 100% satisfied and I’ll give you your $197 investment back with no questions asked.

Means this is ZERO risk for you to invest in and start finding more new patients for your clinic right now:

<< New Training – 7 Low Tech Ways To Get More Patients At Your Clinic >>>>

The 7 Day “Cash Machine” For PT’s (…Who Want More New Patients At Their clinic)

These 7 “profit boosters” I’m sharing with you…

Well, I want you to think of them collectively as a “7 day cash machine…”.

Meaning that for 7 consecutive days you’re going to be able to make 7 simple changes (…or completely new and easy additions) to your clinics current way of acquiring more new patients.

They’re NOT complicated.

They ARE EASY to implement.

Each takes about 20-30 minutes to set up…

And even if you don’t want to do them yourself, each can be done at a very low cost by someone else.

I know they’re helping PT’s over the biggest challenge many face, which is

And best…

They’re all GUARANTEED to work in the USA.

(More so than any other country that this course has sold in.)

How so?


If you’ve read my story…

You’ll know by now that EVERYTHING that I learned (to EXPLODE my own clinics profits) was learned on “American soil”.

By American “teachers” and experts.

Running successful American businesses that influence millions of America people…

…teaching strategies and tactics that persuade American people to BUY products and services, at HIGH prices.

(A.K.A “Marketing”)

In fact…

One of the FEARS I had when I started flying all around the USA (and spending what totalled $50,000.00 + in 13 months) was this:

“Would American sales and
marketing tactics work for me”.

(…Back in Britain).

Because although the Brits are many things, one of the things they’re NOT is “happy being sold too.”

(No “Sean T” style 60 minute infomercials on any TV channels in the UK… :-).

Just doesn’t happen.

They’re closed off from it.

So much so that in a Seminar hall in Britain, the audience often *cheers* when a speaker tells them “he’s not selling them anything”.

(But what IF he had something to sell them that was going to change the course of their life?…)

See, there’s always the option for ANY business owner, in any industry, in any country, to think “my business is different” or worse yet, “this won’t work for me”.

(The “curse” that holds most businesses back from their TRUE potential and most don’t even know they suffer from).

…But I decided to remain *open minded* to being taught something new by people who, although in another country, even in other industries, had something that obviously worked and that I really needed – better marketing ideas to cut my business free from doctors and insurance companies.

And anyway…

What this means for you is this:

The tactics you’re going to get on this course, because I learned them all in the USA, taught to me in 16 different States, by dozens of different experts from many different fields…

.. well, I think you’re going to have MORE success with them than me!

Because I have to “water some of them down” back in Britain.

They are that POWERFUL!

Which brings me to the “7 tactics”.

I learned one of them in the conference room of Marriott Hotel of New Orleans (just off Bourbon on the corner off Canal St), by a lady who ran an online publishing company that was making millions and millions of $$$.

(Might have even been Billions)

…A “super-secret” to build in specialism for your different types of clients and patients – meaning you can REALLY speak to them so they know that you’re the right PT for them

I took note of it… modified it for my clinic, tested it, and then maximised it for PROFIT.

And I’ll share it with you 😉

Get full access to this, and 6 more rapid profit boosters (that could easily add at least 7 new patients to your clinic every week), here:

Yes Paul Let Me Have Access To These 7 Profit Boosting Tactics To Explode My Clinics Revenue >>>>


P.S So confident am I that YOU can make these tactics work BETTER than me, I’ll give you 60 days to just try the course.

And if you don’t get you at least 1-2 new patients to cover your investment, email me back and ask for a full refund which I’ll give with no questions asked:

Yes Paul Let Me Have Access To These 7 Profit Boosting Tactics To Explode My Clinics Revenue >>>>

PT Marketing Ideas: How To Get New Patients Without An Advertising Budget And Before They Visit Their Physician (Or Call Their Insurance)

Let me talk to you about something called “little wins”.

Which, if you take it on board, could let you get access to 10-12 new patients BEFORE they even visit a physician.

(Every week).

And it goes something like this:

…One of the reasons that LOTS of people choose NOT to invest in something like “Physical Therapy” is NOT because they doubt the clinic or practitioner and his or her skills, but because they doubt THEMSELVES.

As in…

They doubt that your perceived “miracle cure” can actually do anything for “THEM”!

This (large) pocket of people will acknowledge that PT “works” for friends and family, even RESPECT the role that you play in making people healthy, BUT, they live with constant “self doubt” – and so wil never call up and schedule a visit!

BIG problem is… there’s more people in society living with self doubt, than eternal optimism.

And until you address it, you’re *missing out* on a stream of patients who would be happy to do business with you if you could just give them a “little win”.

Because promising a COMPLETE end to their *back pain* (as many PT’s do in their marketing) is too BIG of a transformation for them to buy into.

(At this stage).

So what you’ve got to do is work out a new way to give them proof that you can help someone like “THEM”!

And “NO”…

These people don’t respond to “testimonials” (even real ones), they don’t care about “case studies” or “success stories” and it’s the reason why these types of people will end up going to the PT clinic their doctor or physician tells them – because they “doubt self” too much to risk getting the decision wrong.

So what’s the answer?


Let them have a “taste” of what you do and give them a “little win”.

*LET* these people into your PT clinic for an evaluation or an assessment and SHOW them how you can help THEM.

Give them something of real value – like easy to do exercises, ease mental pain and frustration by giving clarity and offering hope – and then, just enough time to decide for themselves what they want to do next – based upon TWO options for care which you RECOMMEND.

And if you follow the two step formula like I teach on Video 2 of this course…

Then you’ll have in your possession a way to “steal” 10-12 new patients (every week) from under the noses of your competitors (and Physicians) that lets you get access to patients WELL before they call their insurance and ask to see someone in their network.

It’s a “super secret” strategy that brings in profits to your physical therapy clinic WITHOUT using a computer, having to set up a website, or spend thousands of dollars on advertising.


You can use it to MAGNETICALLY attract patients to “taste” or sample things like “wellness classes”, health promotion evenings or even pilates classes – to boost your cash sales.

Best, only takes 4-5 minutes to set up…

..your assistant can do it for you…

And it could be in place by this time tomorrow – maybe even tonight – because you get INSTANT access to exactly how to do it, when you say YES!

YES PAUL! I’d Like to Know How To Get New Patients Before They Call Their Network >>>

Sound like something that would help you?

Well, on Video 2 of this course I show you how to COMPEL people to walk inside your clinic and precisely what to say to make sure that only the high paying (hassle free) patients go any further when they do.

When they’re in…

It’s over to you Paul 😉

Let your PT skills go to work and impress!

Then, if needed, send the referral to the physician of YOUR choice knowing that there’s a ANOTHER signed care plan coming back to YOUR clinic – that might have went elsewhere!

Learn how to do it, here:

pt marketing ideas

PT Profit Academy

P.S This one single tactic alone made me over $105,000.00 in less than 5 months…

..I didn’t mention it at first because I didn’t want you to think that this was TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE or that “YOU”!… couldn’t make it work.

I guarantee you can!.

Come get your own “little (but very profitable) win”, here:

YES PAUL! I’d Like to Know How To Get New Patients Before They Call Their Network >>>

Pt Marketing Ideas: A “Secret” Way To “One-Up” Your Competitors And Physicians.

So yesterday I got an email from a PT in Missouri – pronounced Missour-“a” (as I was once told by a local) – who recently invested in the new training and explains why he did:


“Paul.. curiosity got the better out of me man!

I’d been reading your emails for a few weeks and in the end I thought, “you know what”, I’m going to give it ago!

Because you’re “tropical”, and likely to have a some new ideas that my competitors wont know of, i thought your course was worth a try.

I have a mentor in Britain who has been a real source of inspiration to me and you seem a lot like him.

But I’d say what swayed me more than anything, was that i really got the impression that you understood my real problem, which is:

In the past, i’ve spent money with marketing companies and they never really understood the problems I was having – just kept trying to sell me on a newsletter and a new piece of software – which I didn’t want.

And by the way paul… the course is powerful man!

Particularly, I love what you demonstrated on the second video and since last Thursday (just 5 days ago), we’ve had 6 people walk inside the clinic and book new evaluations.

Money back AND then a profit from this course within 24 hours – niiiiice ;-)!

Keep up the great emails too”.

Rick – 47, Missouri.


So there you go…

Like I promised… your investment in this course back within 48 hours!

Anyhow, let’s talk about “curiosity”

Because in the end, it gets the better of most people.

Your patients included…

An “e.g.”…

When you first set up in that nice new clinic of yours, and the sign was going up above the door, and stickers in the window, people walking and driving past were “curious” about what was happening inside.

What were they thinking?

Something like, “I wonder if there’s anything inside that place for me!”

And when they realised it was a PT facility, pound bets ten that everyone of them “logged it”.

As in, thought to themselves, I’ll call into that place when I need too.

Problem is, since then, you’ve become “invisible”.

You’re there, and they know you’re there, but they’re not really noticing you anymore.

And, ironically…

Now they NEED you!

(But you’re not top of mind anymore…)

If only you could do something (or offer something) in a way that would raise their curiosity again – that would make them take note of your clinic, force them to stop and look, and then confirm to themselves “that’s for me”…

…Something that makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for any person suffering with something you can help with, NOT to walk inside your clinic and asking “can you tell me more”.

And when they do that – “BOOM”!

They’re all yours!

Your receptionist or admin team presents the “welcome to the clinic forms” and does the rest.

And best, if you do it right, it’s a “secret” way that is going to put YOU in control of the referral process…

…”one up” your competitor down the road.

And even make one or two of those hard to reach physicians finally take notice as YOUR referrals begin to increase THEIR profits…

(The BEST way to get any physicians attention and much more effective than a “newsletter”…)

As for the corporate hospitals…

They simply couldn’t make this profit booster work, even if they knew about it!

And all you need to make it successful and profit from it like Rick, is a few cars driving past your facility, or one or two people walking by, and if you’ve got that, you’ve got yourself a very profitable new “referral source”.


It’s a way of making people remember that you’re there.

(No different to an ad in the paper, on google or posting on twitter or Facebook.)

Only this one is FREE and takes up NON of your time – and works like crazy to bring in people right at the beginning of the decision making process.

Find out how to do it, in time, here:

– YES PAUL! I’m Curious! Show Me How To Compel Patients TO Walk inside My Clinic.

You’ll get immediate access to 5 videos and jump straight to video 2 when you’ve entered your details after pressing the yellow button on the next page:

YES PAUL! I’m Curious! Show Me How To Compel Patients To Walk inside My Clinic.

See you on the training 😉


P.S It’s fully Guaranteed to work for you…

All you need to re-coup your investment is 3-4 billable units as a result of doing what I teach you…

…And if you don’t get that in the next 60 days, I’ll refund you in full – no questions asked.

And anyway…

If you get those 3-4 billable units once, because these strategies are often “automated”, they’ll work again and again and again, until you decide you’ve got too many patients.

Means it’s ZERO risk to you.

Invest in you and your clinics profits, here:

YES PAUL! I’m Curious! Show Me How To Compel Patients TO Walk inside My Clinic.

“Show us some proof please Paul”

Oh my!

Listen, you know I said in the email the other day that I’m happy to hear from you (and everybody else who is interested in this new training course), well, I’ve been absolutely flooded with emails.

I just want you to know that I’m going through them all, and I’m having a great time doing so.

If I take a couple of days to get back to you, forgive me!

Read More

For PT’s “Sick” Of Being A “Slave” To Big Insurance Companies

I know it’s not easy running a PT business these days, trying to figure out new ways of keeping your business alive AND juggle a family…

…especially when you probably feel like you’re always being “dumped on” by big insurance companies who keep making it harder for patients to do business with you.

And when you think about trying to piece all of this marketing and new patient acquisition stuff together, and just find a place to start, it can seem overwhelming!

And especially since you’re likely hearing a load of broke PT’s complaining that marketing and sales “doesn’t work” for us PT’s.

So, I wanted to just take a minute and let you know that everything is going to work out ok.

How can I say this?

Because I know precisely how you feel.

Creating a automated system to find my own patients and making enough money so I could break away from being a slave to insurance companies all day wasn’t easy for me either… and I sure had challenges of my own… just like you do now.

I invested nearly everything I had, sacrificed time with my young son, borrowed money on credit cards (and from family) and almost went completely broke as a result of air fares, hotel bills and high price tickets to attend all those early seminars in the USA.

In total, I’d say I spent in excess of $50,000.00 in less than 10 months trying to figure it all out.

And, since those days, I’m really lucky that I did discover the one little thing that would change my life forever.

It’s the one thing that let’s me know I’ll never have a “job” again or ever have to work with any patients or insurance company I don’t like and it’s called an:

”Automated Marketing System”.

Figuring it out has given me the ability to create new patient acquisition systems which run on auto-pilot, delivering new high paying cash patients to the doors my business, that work even when I’m not in the office 😉

And anyway, on my new course, I reveal 7 of the most simple, easy to implement but hugely profitable ways of acquiring new patients for YOUR PT practice.

Best – you don’t even need to do them all at once.

Because I really how busy you and that you’ll be anxious to see more cash come in quickly….

What I’ve done is placed them all in order for you so that you can start with the one that I know is going to make you the most money, for the ease and speed with which you can implement it.

Then just build on it from there!

While one is bring in the money, go ahead and plug in your second one.

And so on.

Until you’ve got all 7 of these powerful new tactics working for you in your business to drive up your cash sales.

It’s here for you now and you can have instant access to it for $347 just $97:

<< New Training – 7 Non Techy Ways To Boost Cash Revenue At Your Pt Clinic >>

It’s ^ got 7 of the fastest ways to increase a PT’s profits that you’re likely to find anywhere.

Please be quick to get them at this price as the discount won’t remain forever:

banner ad 2 - low tech ways.


P.S Module “two” of the training takes less than 20 minutes to add to your business…

Snd you’ll know how to use it to make money from it, about 21 minutes or so into the first video you’ll get from me.

PT’s who’ve take this training before you have since told me that the “cash return” revealed in module two alone, is often worth 10 times to their business EACH WEEK, what the course investment cost them.

Now, many of these smart PT’s paid $347 for this same training and were happy that they did…

YOU can have it for just $97 and start watching the video training, instantly:

<< New Training – 7 Non Techy Ways To Boost Cash Revenue At Your Pt Clinic >>

7 New Ways To Get More High Paying Cash PT Patients

I’ve got something else to show you that’s going to make finding new patients and making more money for your business, really easy:

New Training – 7 Simple Ways To Get More Cash Patients In 48 Hours Or Less >>>>>

But before you look at it…

First let me explain a little bit about how I got here in the first place (on the coaching scene), because it’s an “unusual” story of sorts:

See, a couple of years back now I decided that I was either going to build a CASH-BASED business, or go OUT of business.

I felt like I had no other choice.

Big Insurance Businesses where making life very difficult for me and I was struggling to make a profit due to all the changes.

So, I decided I had no choice but to stop listening to broke Pt’s and over paid consultants, and go and create a SYSTEM that would find me my own patients, let me charge my own prices, and let me run my Pt clinic by my own rules.

So far, so VERY good 😉

..My PT clinic is doing about $50-60 grand per month in “cash-only” patients and the business that I built from nothing is now a saleable asset worth $1.7,000,000 million dollars.

But I don’t mind being open and honest and sharing with you that I never imagined I’d be doing this now.

As in, talking to you (…and about 40’000 other PT’s from around the world) and offering tips on how to run more profitable, cash based businesses.

And, how I got to doing it, basically goes like this:

I was at a BIG marketing seminar in Chicago one time, and while there (to learn from other marketing & business experts), I was invited to stand and stage and share what I’d done to make my own business so profitable.

Anyhow, after I finished my “presentation” it became apparent to me (and everyone else in the room), that I had a “system” worth sharing and that OTHER PT’s in the USA would want to know more about it.

Of course, I was a bit reluctant at first (I have a VERY busy business to run back in the UK and a young family to raise) and I didn’t want my own competitors finding out about how I make so much money, either.

But I decided to do it!

And so I first put up a small website aimed at helping PT’s in America, and on the first day, 13’000 people opted into my email list (…crashing my server!) and since then, over 43,000 PT’s are now either receiving emails from me, investing in training courses, or involved in my coaching groups.

I was flattered, and at first was a little “freaked out” by it.

But I’m not complaining!

Everyone has been “super nice” to me and I really appreciate that.

I know that the Physical Therapy world in America is sort of a ‘closed community’ of sorts, and with me being an “underdog” PT from England, I appreciate everyone making me feel so welcome.

So anyway…

Because you’ve taken the time out to go and better yourself and improve the running of your PT business, I’d like you to help you out some more.

And one of the best places I recommend you start is here:

7 Simple Ways To Get More Cash Patients In 48 Hours Or Less >>>

It’s a new training course that I made which shows you 7 powerful, but very simple ways to find more cash patients for your PT business.

I know that they all work too…

I’m using each one of these easy to implement tactics in my own PT business RIGHT NOW.

(I call them “cash windfalls”…)

And, most of the PT’s that I’ve helped to run more profitable businesses, started with this training course too.

Now, for a limited time, this course which normally sells for $347, is available for just $97 and contains 7 “money-making” tactics for PT’s that are “non-techy”.

Meaning, they’re all very simple to implement into your practice and you’re going to see an increase in the number of patients calling your clinic within 48 hours from now.

Get them all from me here:

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7 Simple Ways To Get More Cash Patients In 48 Hours Or Less >>>>>

See you on the training!

Paul Gough 😉
Founder At
“Helping USA’s PT’s Run More Profitable, Cash-Based Clinics”

P.S If you’ve got any questions about this course, you’ve got my email.

I’m still working through a lot of questions from other PT’s but I’m going as fast as I can and I’ll do my best to get to yours.

I’ll look at the replies in between seeing my patients.

Don’t worry about sending them all too me, I’ll find the time!

I really enjoy hearing from you!

For Physical Therapists Who Want More Cash Patients

Pull up a chair…

And let me tell you a quick story:

Earlier in my career I worked as a commission based PT at a Prestigious Private Hospital in the UK.

I’ve even been a “solo” (self employed) PT responsible for finding my own clients and doing all my own paper work (even answering my own phone).

As of this year, I am now a PT business owner who employees 13 PT’s (paying them all a good wage).

So what that means to you, is this:

Whatever stage you’re at in in your career, I’ve stood in your shoes.

And like yourself – I know how difficult it can be trying to grow your practice without sacrificing precious time with friends and family.

And one mistake I often see PT’s make when trying to grow successful practices or fill up schedules is they get distracted by unnecessary, non-revenue driving activities.

But what they should be focusing on is the 1 activity that drives revenue and keeps their practice from burning to the ground.

Which is simply this:

“Finding more clients and confidently being able to charge each one higher prices”.

And that’s why I put this new training together:

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In this training ^ – you’ll discover the simple, yet powerful secrets to acquiring TONS of new patients plus how to stop your practice from bleeding money and losing out on potential clients.

PLUS, being a PT businessman myself, I had to design this training in a way that DID NOT add extra stress or hassle to your day but still reliably scaled profits.

And none of what I’m going to recommend to you do is going to cost much either.

In fact, 4 of my “easy ways to attract more patients”, are completely FREE!

And in this course I walk you through 7 different “tactics” that you can copy from me which I know will bring more clients through your doors and all are really easy and for you to set up quickly.

I’m using everyone of them right now in my own PT clinics.

Asuming that you’re NOT British (or plan on opening a PT clinic anywhere near to me), I’m happy to let you in on them all ;=)

So, come get all your 7 new and easy ways to get more cash patients, from here:

See You On The Training,

Paul 😉

Paul Gough’s P.T. Profit Academy
“Helping USA’s PT’s to Build Profitable,
Cash-Based Practices”

P.S Each one is proven, pithy and are so simple to set up that they can be in play and making a difference to the number of inquiries you’re getting, within a few hours of opening the box. 


Three Questions Which Are Physical Therapy Business “Game Changers”

New Training Notice: High-Cash PT Business Strategies >>

It’s a training that gives you 7 proven ways to attract more cash clients to your PT clinic and if you are thinking of not taking, then please let me ask you three questions to help you decided if you might be set to make a costly mistake:

Here they are:


1.) Did you get as many people to contact your office this last week as you need to run a profitable clinic and did the maximum number of them convert to high paying cash clients?

2.) If not, how much money approximately did you loose this last 7 days because your clinic is not able to make it easy for clients to get in touch, or do business with you, despite them showing some interest in what you offer?

3.) Are you willing to carry on losing that money or would now be a good time to do something about it?


Now, if you take my new training and spend just a little over the time that most people WASTE on a typical lunch break, you will be able to resolve one of the big issues in your PT business.

Last Notice: High-Cash PT Business Strategies >>

If you don’t, bluntly, you are likely to carry on losing the same or more – week in, week out.

During this short training, I’ll un-cover 7 simple tactics that have been responsible for stunning new client acquisition numbers in my own PT clinic.

(So I KNOW for sure that they all work).

Each one is pithy, easy to set up and cheap if not free to get hold of.

On the training I walk you through everything that you need to master these 7 different ways to get more patients into the doors of your PT clinic.

Last Notice: High-Cash PT Business Strategies >>

If you get it now, maybe you could start adding some of them to your business after lunch?

Or, you could waste away that lunch hour like most people do each day and carry on as you are?

Come and get the simple “Low-tech” tools that some of the worlds most successful PT’s are adding to their business, to make it a highly profitable (and enjoyable) one, too.

The 7 tools you need to quickly and easily find more high paying clients, are all here on this new course I made for you:

Last Notice: High-Cash PT Business Strategies >>

Enjoy !


P.S with everything that’s happening in your state right now in the and the new decisions that PT clients are making, it;s very important that you focus on new getting more cash clients ASKING to do business with you.

Get up to date with what’s working and what’s not when you take my training.

Please do it today before it costs you MORE to find all these new clients for you your PT business.

Last Notice: High-Cash PT Business Strategies >>

PT Clinic Marketing: I “Stole” This Patient Attraction Idea From Zappos…

Pull up a chair…

I got something good to share with you…

Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs in your PT career will come from the most unusual of sources.

Here’s an example of what I mean :

I love to learn all about new and improved ways of doing things.

And, I’m not afraid to spend $1000’s doing so.

In fact, in this last year alone, I’ve spent in excess of $50,000 traveling to and from the United States attending seminars, buying online business & marketing courses and attending MasterMind groups with super successful business owners.

I do it to learn as much as I can to make my practices grow rapidly, easier to manage & make my life easier.

I’m a huge reader, too!

I read books like they’re going out of fashion. Often the best place for me to read books is when I’m sitting on a plane for 8 hours or so (usually heading across the Atlantic) with my mind 100% focused on future business success.

Now, one time, when I was sitting in the airport lounge at Heathrow I happened to stumble across a book which was all about this company named “Zappos”.

And any way, after reading all about “Zappos” I immediately implemented a few of the phenomenal customer service strategies that Zappos uses, straight into my own PT clinics.

And then I went one step further.

I actually loved what I was reading about Tony Hsieh and his business…

I found myself WANTING to buy something from him, just to see if Zappos could deliver the same type of service that the book promises.

So, I went over to their website and noticed something that made my realize how easy Zappos made it for their customers to get in touch, ask questions about particular products and really just take the “friction” out of the buying process.

So, I did some research and found that to be able to replicate the “Zappos Method”, would cost me just $25 per month to “rent”.

And, ever since I plugged this concept of allowing patients to reach out to me, into my own PT business, not a week has gone by where at least 6 people have got in touch by using this and immediately gone on to become full and high paying cash patients.

Let’s do the Math:

4 x $550 (average client spend at my Pt practice) = $2200 per week.

That’s approx $8000 per month and it only costs me $25 per month to “hire”.

What’s more:

In less than 30 minutes from ordering it this software – I heard the “ping” alert from a patient who had landed on my site and wanted to get in touch and know more about my practice.

Want to know what it is and EXACTLY how to use it to get some more cash paying clients at your PT practice?

If so, look here:

In this new course I talk you through the whole thing – from choosing the right “one”, and crucially, how to use it to make it profitable.

Plus, there’s 6 more big, easy ideas to get more clients like this one, here too:

See you on the training ;=)


P.S The funny thing was that every single patients who had contacted us on our website using this tool ALL said that they would have NEVER even “dared” to pick up the phone or make contact in another way.


How many people like that are on your website RIGHT NOW – who “dare not” make contact with you but would love to – if you just made it easier for them to do so?

I show you how to quickly and easily “plug the hole” that is leaking $$$ from your website, on this new course.

Please don’t miss out and you can still save over 50% if you make the decision to get in on my training, today:

PT Clinic Success : “Did Starbucks Copy Me?”

To look outside of the PT industry at OTHER companies for fresh new ideas, is something that I encourage all of my coaching clients to do.

(Doing it has been wildly successful for me in the rise of my own PT business).

And when you do look closely at the really successful companies, you often realize it’s the simple things that they do, which leave the biggest impression on customers.

A bit like ordering a cup of coffee at Starbucks:

Now, when I first started traveling to the USA, I would always make a point of getting to the nearest Starbucks for a Latte.

(Grande, extra hot, with NO foam – in case you were wondering how I like it).

And, I loved it when the “Barrister” would ask my name and then proceed to write “Paul” on the cup.

Now, at first I just went along with it and didn’t really think much about why they did it.

Then later, I realized why they do.

And it’s for two reasons:

1.) Because of the fact that the most special thing you can ever call anyone is by their own name (more: it elevates people to “celebrity” status when they hear their name called across the room)


2.) Because it’s the easiest way to REALLY personalize a “Grande, extra hot, no foam Latte”, and make it feel even more wanted by the person who just paid $4.50 to get it.

(It’s now “Paul’s grande, extra hot, no foam latte”).

So, what’s this got to do with running a successful PT clinic?

Well, as a result of spending many of UK Pounds converted to Dollars in various Starbucks around America, I realized that this small attention to detail was something I could copy and bring back to my PT clinics.

And so I did.

And now, whenever patients “frequent” my PT clinic, every time we give them their appointment cards we scribble in pen (and circle it), their first name.

It’s a simple way of taking a plain old appointment card that has all YOUR details on, and making it seem like it’s really theirs.

And, I can tell you that ever since we did it, the number of new appointment cards we have to keep giving to returning patients who would lose their old one, has fallen.


Because when it’s got YOUR NAME on it, it means so much more to you than without.

But that’s not why we do it.


The “affinity” that your client now has with you and your PT clinic has just increased.

And all that you had to do was write their name on the back of an appointment card with a ball point pen to make it happen.

It’s often simple ideas like this that make all the difference to your profits and it’s the kind of things that your competitors will never know that you’re doing – or why!

That’s why I produced a training course for PT’s that covers “7” really simple but DEVASTATINGLY effective ways of getting more cash clients to call you or walk through your doors.

You can get the training right here=>

So, if you like the sound of how I think relentlessly about my patients, and, how I run my PT clinic with a seriously detailed eye for opportunities to make it more profitable, then you will LOVE all 7 of these ideas too:

Each of the tactics included in this special training is specifically designed to scale your profits without adding stress or any additional tedious labor to your daily routine.

Below is a direct link to the training:

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Paul ;=)

P.S The whole “put your name on the cup thing”…

It didn’t make it to the UK until recently…

And when it did, we even had our clients saying to us that Starbucks had “pinched my idea”…

Imagine what what our clients must think about us when a small town PT is credited with an idea that one of the biggest companies in the world is “copying from” ;=)

You can STEAL some more profitable ideas from me, here:

Physical Therapy : “I’m Not A Patient Paul… I’m Just “Stella!””

Today I’m going to talk to you about one reason why most PT’s never make the “Cash riches” they could.

And it has a lot to with how they view the people they serve.

In particular, I’ve picked on a word that PT’s will nearly always use that is “killing” their attempts to attract people who will happily pay high prices in cash.

And, it’s the use of the word “patient” in their communication.

Now, let’s think about it for a few moments:

When you think about a “patient” – you immediately conjure up an image of a person who is sick, helpless and unable to help themselves whilst they are waiting for a Doctor to prescribe some more medication.

Does that sound like any of the people who actively or willingly come and see you at your PT clinic?

<< Check out all 7 Strategies Here >>

The very mindset it creates means they see themselves as helpless and wanting to be helped by an Insurance company or government to fund treatment on their behalf.

And it’s a shift in thinking that you’re going to need to make if you really want to crack the case on packing your schedule with high paying cash only “clients”.

And it’s simply because “patients” don’t ever think that they have to pay for their treatment and that the government or their insurance company, will, whenever they get sick.

At my PT clinic, which is primarily for “active and healthy people” who just happen to have some type of knee pain, or an inconvenient case of Sciatica, we call them “clients”.


Because “clients” are happy to pay for you to serve their needs.

They aren’t helpless or sick and nor do they want you to suggest that they are.

If they’re going out of their way to go and see a PT, there’s a BIG chance that they consider them as active and healthy.

As soon as you call them a “patient”, you remind them that an insurance company or the government COULD be taking care of them (for free).

“Which is fine”!

But not if you want to run a cash based clinic packed full of people who consult you for your expert advice, expect you to protect them from in-activity and help them over their current health “obstacle”.

(Which for most, is all that it is).

Sure, in certain PT settings it might be “ok” to use the word “patient”, and some people are rightly classed as “patients”, but for most, it’s wrong and in my honest humble opinion, it’s lazy and disrespectful of PT’s to do it.

Most of the people you will ever work with and help are not needy enough that you have to patronise or pander to their “ill health”.

And they don’t want o be remind that they are “sick and helpless” each time you use the word “patient”.

“Clients” will have a much stronger affinity to you and what you do for them and an immediate shift in how they see you and what you will be made – making it easier and more likely that they are in a place which is different (to all the others PT’s) and one which can rightly ask for cash payments.

Which would be nice right?

Anyhow. That’s enough about “patients”.

Let’s find you some more “clients” who are happy to pay what you ask.

It starts with you know the 7 simple “Low-Tech” ways that are proven to attract TONES of them.

Get them all from me, when you look here:

banner ad 2 - low tech ways.

<< Check out all 7 Strategies Here >>


P.S One of the tools I’ll teach you about is how to easily use what your current clients say about you as they leave through the back door, to attract more clients just like them, through the front door.

Really simple to do too.

And gives anyone considering accessing your clinic TONNES more confidence meaning they’re more likely to do act on it.

I’ll show you TWO different ways to do it and one is completely “FREE” and the other costs less then $10.

Course info is here:

<< Check out all 7 Strategies Here >>

Why I’d Have Made $1000’s More if Amazon “Prime” Had Existed Back Then

Just about any Physical Therapist I ever work with wants to know the quick and easy way to getting more cash clients.

“Quick” is good because it means you can see dollars in your bank account not long after, and “easy” means you spend NO time stressing or getting frustrated trying to make it happen or plug it in.

Now, and presumably it’s because of my own business success, many people will WRONGLY assume that I’m a “tech freak”.

That because my PT clinic is so successful,“it must be because” I know how to easily work all of the many complicated gadgets, widgets and pieces of software that “supposedly” make running a PT clinic more profitable and easier.

Well, for the record, as much I love to see cool new things implemented and happening at my PT clinics, I “hate” the thought of starting any of them off!

The reality for me is this:

I love what “techy” things can do for me (and the money they can make me and how easy they make my life), I just don’t like figuring any of them out or trying to make them work.

(After all, my skills are in helping people to get healthy 😉

So, what I did was this:

When I first started getting really serious about increasing the cash profits of my PT clinic, I decided to start out with some, what I call, “non-tech” ways of finding more clients.

Basically, I set about experimenting and testing a bunch of ways that are “low-tech” (meaning easy to use…), but are SUPER profitable when you plug them in to the running of your PT clinic.

Here’s a real example of what I mean and something I continue to use to this day:

A couple of years ago, late one night after work, I took to the internet and ordered two items off of Amazon and had them delivered to my clinic doors a couple of days later.

(No “Prime” back then… and those extra couple of days waiting likely cost me $1000’s!!!).

Together they cost me about $100, took 90 seconds to set up and for my small investment in both time and money, I made over $107’000 in cash, in less than 5 months as a result.

(I’m still using this tactic to this very day).

And you know what?

I can teach you how to profit from it too when you get in on my new course for PT’s:

“7 Low-Tech Ways To Get More Cash Clients” – Essential Strategies For PT’s

I’ll show you how you can copy exactly how I made a 6 figure profit in five months from a $100 investment as I walk you through “step-by-step”, what you need to do.

Take a look at it here:

<<Course >>

And it gets better…

There’s 6 more “low-tech” tactics revealed on this new course.

And best: I can guarantee that they all work quick and easy and will help you find more cash clients… because I’m currently using all 7 RIGHT NOW as you read this, to make a bushel of money at my own PT clinics.

If you want to do the same, get all 7 shown to you in detail, when you look here in time:

Physical Therapy Marketing Tips

Talk soon

Paul 😉

P.S The reality is that things in our industry have changed…

And thats why it’s even more important for you to be aware of whats working and what’s not when it comes to attracting more high paying cash clients.

The future of all PT’ businesses depends upon our ability to attract more clients than our compatriots – and like mine, yours is no different.

Take my training today and by the end of it, you’ll be able to go to bed tonight knowing that you’re totally update with what’s what’s generating clients for PT’s and what isn’t.