Marketing Ideas For PT’s : How To Get 33% More Revenue In Your Physical Therapy Clinic.

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I do a lot of travelling around the USA to attend Mastermind Groups I’m involved in and speak at seminars…

And on my travels, (because I’m British), I get asked these three questions all the time:

1.) Have I had “tea with the Queen”? (NO. But I have been to her house once or twice).

2.) Have I ever met Simon Cowell? (No. But I did brush past him once in Piccadilly Circus in London).

And, when I’m in a Seminar Hall in the USA, on “business”, I ALWAYS get asked this question by Physical Therapists:

3.) What’s an EASY way to grow my clinics revenue”?

In other words, what’s the quickest way to get more people into my clinic and make more money.

My answer…

“Start by understanding the THREE different types of PROSPECTIVE patients who visit our clinics”.

Which are these:

Prospective Patient 1 – he or she needs little or no information and is ready, able and willing to book an appointment right away.

Prospective Patient 2 – needs some convincing and will conduct SOME research into options but not exhaustive.

Prospective Patient 3 – can not get enough information, and will read and watch everything before making a decision – even if he’s been referred to a clinic by a Physician or Doctor (he or she wants to make up his own mind).


In my experience of running a clinic (and helping other PT’s to increase their profits too), most clinics are fairly “ok” at attracting patients 1 and 2.

All you have to be is fairly competent, have a steady reputation in your market place and you’ve got a chance of getting these fist 2 types (1 and 2) to give you their business.

– BUT –

Nearly all PT clinics are are failing at persuading patients from category 3 – the people who want some more information BEFORE they’ll go any further

So – if you want to increase the number of new patients and revenue at your clinic by 33%, you have to appeal to patients in category “3”.

And, if you’d like to experience the RUSH of charging HIGHER PRICES, or ASKING FOR CASH, then KNOWING HOW to appeal to ALL of these types of patients is critical.

The key word is “information”.

See, these people in category 3 can not get enough of it.

They want a TON of it and they’ll give their business to the PT who supplies it.

Thing is, how do you do it and what information do they REALLY want?

Well, I’ve spent a LOT of time testing how to appeal more to people in group 3 – and experienced HUGE growth in my business because of it.

And yet it really comes down to giving them just “two” pieces of information in order to move them closer to choosing YOU.

(And NOT your competitors)

And guess what?

I’ll teach you what each one is and how to profit from both of them on this new course:

YES Paul! Show Me How To Get 33% More Revenue In My Clinic >>>

Best, they are both AUTOMATED.

Which means you’re only going to have to do each one once (takes approx 15 mins to set up) and they’ll work over and over again for you to make it easier for 33% more people to choose you.

If that sounds like something that would help you achieve financial security, then you really would benefit from investing in this new training now.

Do it today and you’ll save $150 dollars.

Once you confirm your order, head straight to Video 5 and start getting 33% more people to choose you and your clinic.

pt marketing ideas

See you on the training,


P.S Now you know why many clinics are always “just surviving” or “just doing ok” and getting by…

But never really achieving SPECTACULAR results or profits that their “hands-on skills” are worthy of.

33% of people is a LOT of people to ignore…

Imagine what you could do with 33% more patients and 33% more profits this year.

The course is waiting for you here at a discounted rate of just $347 $197 which won’t last too much longer:

YES Paul! Show Me How To Get 33% More Revenue In My Clinic >>>

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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