Can you guess where I am??
“Another airport”!
(Phoenix Skyharbour, travelling back to San Diego to see Harry and Tobias!)
Drinking a nice cold “IPA”?…
You bet!!
And, I’m thinking about the past “28” hours that I’ve spent in this cool (but hot) city…
I spent last night with a dozen or so of the top PTs who are in my wider community…
…I had breakfast with 3 more…
…then I spent the day at one of the most forward thinking PT clinics in the entire “US”.
The owner?
“Scott Gilbert”… (Canyon PT)
I’ve been working with Scott since early 2015…
…and in that time he’s embraced the change that has hit the US PT profession – and he is a true success story.
Scott has flipped his clinic from one that was 80% reliant upon referrals from doctors…
…to one that is now 80% IN CONTROL OF referrals coming to him from places like newspaper ads, Facebook, email and social media – his website – and even direct mail to people in the community he serves.
Basically, doing all of the things that most people are happy to have done to them – but not prepared to make work FOR THEM.
(Big difference).
And it’s a topic that I seem to continue to speak about on this Tour…
Too many business owners are being held back from the success they could be enjoying, simply because they are determined to live their life one way….
…then run their business another.
For example:
It wasn’t long ago that I spoke at a conference in Orlando and asked the entire audience “who thinks email marketing is a waste of time?”…
Almost everyone in the room raised their hand.
I then asked everyone in the room to keep their hand RAISED if they bought a ticket for the event via an EMAIL.
Can you guess how many hands dropped??
So the interesting thing to understand is this:
As you read this…
As you play around on “Facebook” after the kids have gone to bed…
As you use your iPhone to ask Google questions for solutions to problems…
As you research blogs looking for credible information to advance the decisions you need to make…
Ask yourself this:
If a patient in your town, who was suffering with lower back pain was doing the same thing, would they find YOU???
If the answer is “no”…
…my question is “why not?”
If you are using all of those things to solve problems in your life…
…who told you that your prospective patients are NOT doing the same thing if they’ve got pain??…
There’s a reason that the “1%” exist…
…and it’s not because they’re born into money or land (like 200 years ago)…
…it’s because they’re doing something radically and completely different from everyone else.
And in our case, that difference is no difference at all from what you are likely doing right now.
Business success is THAT simple.
I think I can hear my flight calling me…
…it’s with SouthWest…
…best dash to make sure I don’t get left with nothing but a middle seat to choose from! 😉
Paul Gough
P.S Some pics and selfies from the last stop of the WEST COAST Tour:
That’s me with top PT’s Andrew Vertson, Amy Brannagan, Matt Damaggio, Nick and Jessica Hunter, Judy Curillo, Lois Wolf, Scott Gilbert, Adrienne Yamamoto , Cassidee Ranger, Eric Bloom and Infusionsoft superstar Jeremiah Sarket…
That’s me with “Scott Gilbert” and his amazing Marketing assistant Heather…
That’s me with top PT Sean Flannagan at breakfast…
For all of the Impact Tour dates click here!
See you in a city near you soon 😉
For more PT Business Education Material:

- Violating Social Norms and Outdated Levels of Thinking - 22nd October 2020
- MORE from LESS: The Go To Strategy During A Financial Downturn (Like here in 2020) - 15th October 2020
- How To Confidently Sell Your Physical Therapy Services - 29th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Does The Future of PT Look Like? - 17th April 2020
- How To Get More Buy-In From Patients - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: Have You Already Done It Without Realizing? - 16th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Is the Most Important Thing You Can Sell Right Now? - 15th April 2020
- Telehealth: Is A Marketing Funnel Needed Right Now? - 14th April 2020
- Telehealth: What Happens To Discovery Visits? - 13th April 2020
- Telehealth: How Will I Compete With “Big Box” Insurance Companies? - 10th April 2020