3 Big Questions To Consider When Trying To Grow And Scale A Cash Based PT Clinic

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Greetings from “LA”,

It’s “Day 19” of my Impact Tour and I’m excited to do another “meet up” tonight, right next to LAX.

Over the last 19 days I’ve been up and down the West Coast talking to a lot of PT’s – and a lot of the same business growth challenges are popping up…

Take this one for example:


“Paul, we’re having some issues with choosing our perfect patient. Do you base this decision on:

1. Your personal preference?

2. Who is your most profitable?

3. The location you are in (the demographic that is in your area)?

– Carlo Sayo, Chino Hills, Orange County, Ca.


What’s the answer?

“The one that will let you grow
and scale your clinic the easiest
and fastest way possible”.

One of the reasons I’ve been able to scale a CASH-PAY clinic (to 4 locations) is because I choose to market to a pocket of people who:

a). Need what I do

b). Are happy to pay for what I do

c). Are easy to find with my marketing (this is HUGE)

(Ladies in their 50’s and 60’s).

I see so many PT’s who WANT to market to a pocket of people that they have a self-interest in…

…but who may not always be the easiest to get in front of – or want to pay out of pocket.

The question you always have to ask is “are there enough of them who are motivated enough to want to PAY FOR PT at $150 a pop”?

Things like “will they find cheaper alternatives” or “would they be easy to locate with your marketing”…

…all have to be carefully considered!

If not, you end up with a clinic that you might be happy treating the people that you do see – but there might not be that many of them to live the lifestyle or make the impact you want.

Make sense?


Everything that I teach is about marketing to the PUBLIC.

(Direct marketing to consumers).

The profession is currently at a “cross-roads” – and so many PT’s are stuck simply because they are looking at how the profession WAS BUILT in the past…

Which was, of course, relying upon referrals from doctors who didn’t ever consider a “perfect patient” for each clinic, as they wrote the script.

With direct access marketing the only way you can win is if you use your marketing to become EVERYTHING – the only logical choice – for a highly specific pocket of people.

If you do that – you’ll find you’re competing in a league of one.

You’ll be able to set your own fees and because they’ll be HOPING that you’ll take them on – rarely, if ever, will you get push-back from any patients about the treatment plans you prescribe…

(That’s how it’s played out for me, anyways!)

Some food for thought?

Last thing:

The answer to how you get to where you need to go WILL NOT be found in where we have come from….

The game has changed…

…and it’s now easier than ever to be successful – IF you follow the right path.


Paul Gough

P.S Here’s some pics from the Impact Tour’s trip to meet with No.1 Silicon Valley PT, Kim Gladfelter and her team:



unnamed-1I spent a full day talking with “Kim” and her team about the new way that we are seeing patients make decisions about their health care – and how they choose a PT…

…and, showing “Kim” specific strategies to help the upcoming transition “Out Of Network” she’s about to make, a stunning success.

(Full dates and locations are here.)


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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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