PT Marketing – In The Age Of Trump And Brexit

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So today is a pretty historic day in the US…

In Britain, last Summer, with “Brexit”, we experienced the same significant shift in the way that people think and make decisions about what they WANT from their life.

On the news, they are telling us we are in an age of “crisis”, “chaos” – and “uncertainty”.

I’m not so sure about the “crisis” or “chaos” – I think if you look back at the last 20 years leading up to both of these events – and not at the actual day each happened – both were inevitable.

But I do agree that we are in “uncertain” times.

Not just politically, but in terms of what people believe is truly possible for themselves.

In Britain, socialist health-care is a tremendous ASSET to our nation – especially if you are in an emergency situation.

But it’s not so great if you are classed as a “non-urgent” need, like living with chronic lower back pain.

In the US, insurance based medicine was fine for many – but not everyone.

So they decided to change it.

It now suits a few more, but not the many who pay for it.

Things change – but not always for the better.

So the question is, how will today REALLY affect you?

Let me tell you:

As YOUR potential patient watches CNN, FOX, the BBC, Sky NEWS, CNBC – or which ever broadcast station they prefer – what will happen is the “SEED OF DOUBT” will continue to be sewn.

CNN and FOX don’t want to paint a picture of a “certain” America…

The BBC doesn’t want to paint a picture of a “certain” future Britain…


Because you’ll stop tuning in to find out if anything has CHANGED!

So as millions of your potential patients get more “gripped” by the “uncertainty” of the future…

…guess what happens to their ability to make decisions?

That’s right, its going to get harder.

And ultimately, THAT is what is bad for small business.

If people can’t make DECISIONS – how can they show up at your office?

And if they can’t show up at your office, how can you ever use your skills to help them??

And if you cant use your great skills, how will you ever get paid???

I put it to you that the real issue facing small business TODAY, is the cocktail mix of SKEPTICIM mixed with a ton of FEAR and UNCERTAINTY in the future…

It’s not that they haven’t got the money to spend – it’s just that they’re a lot more fearful of wasting it.

Why wouldn’t they?

Because as “Megan Kelly” and “Wolf Blitzer” will be pointing out aaaaaallllll weekend long, “we just don’t know what’s going to happen next”.

Do you?

So now you know what the real issue is, the question is, how can you be successful in-spite of it?..

The answer is simple:

“Accept it”.

And build your business from that point.

Change your own mindset, design your Marketing Plan and communicate with potential patients as if they are living, breathing, walking, talking SKEPTICS who don’t believe a single word that you’re telling them…

And when you do that – it’s much easier to get on their level.

In Marketing we call it “meeting them where they are”…

…and it’s never been more important for you to do that than on this day, and every day after in 2017 and beyond.

This is one of the reasons I’ve created the “More Patients, More Profits 2017” 3-Day Workshop…

More Patients, More Profits 2017 3-Day Workshop >

It’s about showing you how to create a Marketing Plan to defeat “Skepticisim” – pretty much the only thing that is getting in the way of you being more successful.

In these workshops I’ll be sharing with you:


* The NEW RIULES of Marketing for 2017-21 (in the Trump/Post Brexit years)

* A Marketing Plan to combat “scepticism”, “fear” (and “buyers remorse”) that REALLY stops patients making appointments at your clinic…

* The 80/20 rule of Marketing – and how to know where to focus your time and energy to find the right patients for your clinic

* How to stop treading water – succumbing to inertia… remaining content with a status quo far below the level of that which is possible for a highly qualified, and highly talented health care professional like you…

* As well as everything else that I have used to grow my own clinic from zero to 10,000 cash paying patients in just 7 years.


If you are watching the TV today – or seeing the highlights reel later tonight – count how many times the newscasters talk about “un-certainty” or proclaim:

…“we just don’t know what’s to come”…

…and every time you hear it, “shudder” at the thought that 1000’s of your potential patients are being paralysed with fear over what may (or may not) be around the corner for them.

And one final thought:

If your patients can be influenced by the words they’ll see on TV today…

…they can be influenced by the words that you’ll use on your website, on your Facebook ads, your newspaper ads – even on the phone as they inquire about price.

The only difference is, we will use those words to paint a MORE CERTAIN picture of how healthy their life could be – by coming to see you!

Your future business success, is that simple.

Click here to find out when I’ll be holding a workshop in a town near you:

More Patients, More Profits 2017 3-Day Workshop > 

Enjoy the fireworks today – I’m sure there’s A LOT to come…


Paul Gough


Click here to listen to – Podcast EP:012: My Best Advice For Starting Out Or Scaling Up In The Face Of Fear, Negativity, Doubt, Criticism And Even Resentment From Your Friends And Family

And Click here to watch Youtube Show EP:30: How To Get A Big Breakthrough In Your Business

And when you listen to the podcast and show, be sure to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and the show on Youtube, to be notified of the latest episodes.


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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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