The New PT Clinic Owner Setting Up In His Garage Right By Your Clinic

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As most PT’s worry about doctors getting harder to reach, what’s even more worrisome is the changing behaviour of the average consumer.

Think about it…

The average consumer (your patient) these days is more educated and has more choices and access to information than ever.

The New PT Clinic Owner Setting Up In His Garage Right By Your Clinic

And is therefore MORE resistant to being told what to do.

Even by doctors.

And as much as we LOVE to assume that a referral from a doctor = a “happy to arrive and pay” new patient at our clinics, the reality is those days are gone, too.

The consumer is used to having choices.

They WANT choices.

And every time YOU push them over to “Yelp” to ask them for a review of your clinic, you remind them that THEY are now the ones who hold the power.

And, that they have choices.

Of which one of them is to say “no” to the doctor’s recommendation of going to your PT clinic.

Now some owners will stubbornly refuse to accept this.

And will continue to run faster or try harder at begging more doctors for more referrals.

But here’s the thing…

I put it to you that the REAL danger you face is not from the doctors playing hide ’n seek from you or your fancy newsletters.

It’s the smaller, new kid on the block PT owner who ISN’T indoctrinated in the old school ways of running a PT business.

The equivalent of “2 kids in a garage” in the 70’s trying to re-invent the entire computer industry – and succeeding (…Jobs and Wozniack).

This new breed of PT owner who knows he has to be FOR someone.

He has to look at how he answers the phone to patients…

To actually take the time to CONNECT with and ENGAGE with…

Spending AT LEAST twenty minutes on the phone at the first point of contact just to ensure a connection is made and that compliance is more likely…

His adverts?

They have to resonate with a pretty irate and frightened, not to mention “skeptical” consumer – and motivate enough of them to pick up the phone BEFORE they visit their doctor.

His evaluation techniques?

It’s now a well rehearsed, fully scripted routine that puts value alignment at the front and centre of the entire session…

His ability to “up-sell” once the initial care plan is over??

He’s using automated systems and procedures to effortlessly connect with his patients DURING treatment, so that the transition to “monthly massage” programs is, of course, the logical next thing to do.

He’s keeping in touch with that new patient for life, making use of email marketing and Social Media…

And why wouldn’t he? It’s now easier than ever.

To sum up todays lesson:

I put it to you that the answers to the future success of your PT clinic are NOT likely to be found in “how can I get more referrals from doctors?”

But in:

“How can I get ahead of … get entirely separated from… sign on and profit from… the new and very creative ways to acquire customers for life?”

Have a think…

And if you want some help to get there faster, look here next:

I’ll guide you through the simple patient attraction strategies that I, and several other PT Clinic owners are using, to acquire new patients directly to their clinic…

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– NP OVERLOAD – The Short Cut To Attracting More Enquiries And More Patients For Your PT Practice! >

Just click the link if you’re ready to boost your income.

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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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