Marketing: How Patients Make Decisions And Why “Free Screen” PT Adverts And Promotions Rarely Work For Attracting New Patients

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Lets do a little “psychology” lesson today…

Following is a typical conversation that people have, most nights.

In a nut shell, it explains away how each and every one of your potential patients make their decisions…

…and when you read it, you’ll soon realize why it’s near impossible to make “free screen” advertising work (unless you have a HUGE budget!) for your PT clinic.


Here, we, GO :-


“Let’s do something tonight. What do you want to do? I don’t know, what do you want to do? I don’t know, you decide.

No, I decided last time. It’s your turn to decide.

Ok, lets go out to dinner. Awe, out to dinner AGAIN? Ok, lets go out to dinner.

Well, where do you want to go out to dinner? I don’t know, where do you want to go out to dinner? Well, what would you like to eat?

I don’t know, what do you want to eat? Well just pick something.

No, I picked something last time, you pick this time.

All right, lets go to the Italian. Oh Italian.

All right, so lets go get Italian. So where do you want to go get Italian.

I don’t know…”


And so it goes on.

And on.

And on!

(Sound familiar?…)

The point I’m raising in todays lesson?

If two people between them can’t decide what they’re going to eat and where they’re going to eat on a Friday night, are we really expecting these same people will make a decisive decision about their health, from seeing *one* advert?

A decision for which they know they have to pay a lot of money to make.

Commit time and effort to.

Hope they get right.

And, RISK looking (and feeling) like a fool if 12 visits later, their back pain is no better?…

See, decisive action isn’t in the hard wiring of your potential patients.

And is the number 1 reason why most adverts for a “free screen” at a PT clinic fail miserably.

The solution?


Start by understand that most people don’t know how to make a decision.

So, help them.

Begin a relationship by offering to provide them with more information to help the decision making process feel less overwhelming.

Then, follow up.

Ask the right questions.

Build some TRUST (over a few phone calls, emails and with some direct mail).

And even put your own ego aside that says these people “should” already know the value of what a PT does.

(Because they don’t!)…

It’s why “Lead Generation” advertising works so well for small PT clinics like you and I.

And if you implement it at your clinic…

…you apply the rules faithfully, (and consistently) and you do so with a simple understanding of how people make decisions (…like I just described), then you’ve got yourself a game changing marketing strategy for your clinic.

One that means you can say “bye bye” to relying upon doctor referrals or paying for marketing that doesn’t work.

Want some help to get there faster?…

If so, start here and lets get to know each other before you ask me to work for you:

– Help Me Get A Real Marketing Strategy In My Clinic ! >


Paul Gough.

About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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