How To Answer The “What’s Your Prices” Question Without Losing Anymore Patients…

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This question was left in my private Facebook Community last night:


“Set up a booth a local expo event over the weekend… had a few guys come to the booth interested and one of their first questions were “how much are the sessions?”

I tried to say something like we have a variety of treatment packages and payment plans available depending on what you may need.

They then came back with something like “well on average what does it cost for a session.”

How would you handle this situation?

I lost them both after giving them the price”.

– Ryan Seifert, Outcomes PT, Austin TX.


How would I handle this situation?…


By asking the prospective patient a couple of questions back…

And the first is always… ALWAYS… ALWAYS:

“What have
you done?”…

Because the easiest way to LOSE a patient who asks a “transactional” question…

…is to answer it with a “transitional” response and actually give them the price.

Asking “what have you done?”…

…is you connecting and engaging…

…it’s what their FRIENDS and FAMILY will be asking…

…and allows the guy asking “how much?”, to talk to you about himself, his problems – and his goals and needs – BEFORE he makes a judgement on your services based upon three numbers in a row.

(Key word – “before”)

What happens when they open up and talk to you all about their problems?



Ask another question…

Maybe another…

And however many it takes to extract the information so that you can THEN prove to him that:

a). You understand his frustration and concerns

b). You’ve heard his story before


c). How your skills and solutions can clearly solve his problems.

Once you’ve done that…

…the number that comes out of your mouth – which should be at least $150 – is now the amount that you charge to SOLVE HIS SPECIFIC PROBLEM.

Not provide PT.

(Big difference, massive difference….)

And if you REALLY wanted to do this right…

How about you ask him this question:

“Is the price per session the number one thing that will influence the PT that you choose…

…or are are you more interested in receiving the best possible outcome?”

Then pause.

Then wait for his reply…

It’ll NEARLY always be that people want the best possible outcome for themselves…

…after that, your price can be given and it almost becomes irrelevant what you charge because:

1). He wants the best possible care


2). Your fee is about solving his problems

(NOT getting PT).

Make sense?

I hope so…

Because the faster you’re able to communicate with – and influence – the MASSIVE amount of people with problems that you can solve, then the faster aaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll of your business headaches will disappear.


Paul Gough

P.S “Selling to Serve”…

…what I’ve just described to you in the lesson above is SELLING MY SERVICES with the intent to SERVE more people better.

Selling to serve - ID design

Almost everything that I’ve learned about “selling” my services – A.K.A. proving value up front – is going to be revealed on this class:

Selling To Serve: Raise Your Income, Serve More People! >

Expect a HUGE mindset shift, more confidence, the ability to answer more difficult questions, make stronger and more impactful business decisions – and raise your rates to the $150 + level that you should be charging (at LEAST!).

If you’re wanting to get any, all, or just some of that – join me and the other students on the LIVE video seminar event that kicks off next Thursday morning (4th August at 10.30 EST):

– Selling To Serve: Raise Your Income, Serve More People! >

Note: All seminars are recorded and will be yours to access for life – so you can go ahead and register EVEN IF you’re busy that morning.


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About Paul Gough

PAUL GOUGH is one of the top Marketing and Business Coaches in the physical therapy industry and his Systems are helping clinic owners all across America run more profitable clinics. He is a published Author, Newspaper Columnist and before his stunning success in business was hired by top professional soccer teams. HIS SUCCESS STORY is one that inspires many pt's around the world - at the age of 26 Paul QUIT a high profile job in professional soccer to begin his own clinic. He had NO money, NO business or marketing skills and NO experience - and yet now owns and runs 4 pt clinics and has a proven track record of growing a physical therapy business from 0 - $2m in record time.
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