RECESSION PROOF YOUR PT BUSINESS – Live, 4 Hour Masterclass with Paul Gough

RECESSION 2020: “How to Make 20% More Profit, Even If You Get 20% Less Patients (…Specifically, How to Limit COVID-19 Cancels, Recoup Your Lost Cash AND, Get a Completely New Marketing Roadmap, Perfect for the Difficult Months Ahead)”

Booking Deadline 11pm EDT Friday October 2nd


What? Three Part, 4 Hour Live Seminar Covering:

  1. Marketing – How to get 20% more profit from 20% less patients

  2. Sales – How to communicate with patients to limit cancels and drop offs (and discuss sensitive money/price issues)

  3. Finance – How to achieve “Operational Excellence” and avoid losing money as you navigate the Covid-19 Recession

How Many:

Only 50 Spaces available


Saturday October 3rd, 11am EST


$500 Just $97 (or 2 x $50)


Getting your PT Biz Recession Ready


Comfort of your home, office or mobile phone via Zoom meeting link
Yes! I Want To Join Paul’s 4 Hour Recession Proofing Masterclass »

$500 Just $97 or 2 x $50

Dear Physical Therapist,

Just a few days ago I received the devastating news that the area where my 4 PT clinics are located was to be placed on the UK Government's Coronavirus “watch list.”

Like so many towns and cities around the world, Coronavirus is spiking in my area and that means my clinic, that is just getting back on its feet since the national lockdown, is likely to be significantly affected if not closed completely in the coming weeks.

It is clear that coronavirus is nowhere near over and as such our physical therapy businesses are once again at the mercy of the government, the “scientists” and the hope that people follow the rules enough to avoid a winter long second wave.

The Recession + Covid-19 = “Hell On Earth” For Small Business Owners Like You And I…

Even if my clinic isn’t forced to close down again, I know I am going to have to deal with the constant cancelling of appointments… a lack of commitment when it comes to booking out a full plan of care… reduced referrals from past patients who are socially distanced from their colleagues and family… not to mention the big staffing decisions we have to make over bringing people back, whether or not we should be adding to our team and trying to grow, or if we should just hope to make it through the winter with what we already have.

On top of that I still have to think about making enough money to pay wages, invest in marketing and ensure that customer service levels remain high and patients get their outcomes.

All of these challenges will require NEW, IMPROVED and radically DIFFERENT solutions to acquiring new patients and managing staff than we were using before the coronavirus situation kicked off.

Is This Just the Beginning of the Real Challenges You and I Face?

If you thought that the coronavirus pandemic and the global financial crisis would be well on its way to being over by now – you’re not alone.

I know of many PT business owners who failed to prepare for the sheer size and scale of this virus and as such are beginning to pay the price. Some have already paid the ultimate price and their PT business is closed for good.

The governments have done a wonderful job of giving anyone who wants it access to money – but now that is drying up, you’re beginning to see the REAL impact of the pandemic on businesses.

PPP loans, disaster loans, furlough schemes and other grants have helped many businesses remain open for a few months giving us a little “bubble.”

But, as politicians continue to use COVID as a means to moving their own agendas forward, furthering lock downs and imposing more restrictions, we are going to see continued economic suffering, more business closing, mass unemployment and money being “parked” by those who have it until this all blows over… but just WHEN is that going to happen?

Surely you don’t believe that a vaccine is going to magically appear in time for Christmas and life and your patients will instantly spring back to 2019, do you???

Anyone can handle a few months upheaval… but what if this lasts for two or three years? What if 20% of your patients continue to stay away?

What if your best patients lose their jobs and with it their Health Insurance policy that covers the cost of their treatment at your clinic?

That has happened to a dozen or so of my top patients already and we’re now having to convince them to pay out of their own pocket for a service that for years was paid for by Insurance.

Are you ready and able to replace those patients?

And, are you ready and able to have the hard conversations about paying for the treatment out of their own pocket?

Really, the big question is: what will YOU do to preserve and protect your business NOW?

We each have a choice about what we will do from here.

Many clinic owners will cower and hesitate . . . act like a deer in headlights, frozen from fear and uncertainty.

Many will just roll over and accept the losses, convinced “there’s nothing that can be done” talking to other PTs in their online forums who think that the whole world should stop (and hope the government bails everyone out!).

Other clinic owners will sit idly by, hoping for things to turn around as they watch their private practice – and their income – quickly dwindle.

What will you do?

My Focus This Winter: “More Profit from Less Patients”

I’m back in Florida now, but I’ve spent the best part of the summer back at my clinic in the UK and all I’ve done is work hard on implementing new and improved strategies and advancing systems with the goal of bringing in more profit – even if we get 20% less patients over the next 6 months.

Me and my team have been laser focused on getting everything we can from our external marketing (Google, Facebook, etc) and we are putting more effort than ever into our internal marketing (referral promotions etc).

We’ve developed new sales scripts and we put a huge focus on something I call “OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE” – that really, is the key to surviving an economic downturn.

See, in a downturn – like now, during this recession/crisis/pandemic in 2020 – it’s NOT about chasing more and more new patients are pursuing RISKY GROWTH.

No, it’s about getting a better version of the business you had pre-crisis.

We’ve developed scorecards for our staff (game changers for anyone who’s business is stuck or lack lustre in its growth), clearly defined existing job roles, identified new roles we need to hire for and we even worked out a process for ensuring that every new patient comes back to us within 12 months AND refers another to us within 30 days.

It’s called our “Maximum Value and Patient Bounce Back process”.

It’s all part of my strategy to make more money even though we might end up getting less new patients.

It’s a much better strategy that pursuing risk or aggressive growth and spending $10,000’s with Facebook like many owners are going to try and do.

Announcing The 4 Hour Masterclass That Will Refocus, Reset, And Give You the Much-Needed Direction You Need as We Go Deep into The Recession

Thanks to the chaos, I’ve never been more focused on growing my physical therapy business. I know there are many challenges ahead – mainly financial – but I believe I’ve worked out a path to making more despite the dark clouds that lay ahead.

What is more, I’ve decided to share the TOP THREE strategies with you (and 49 other clinic owners) on a ONE TIME, NEVER TO BE REPEATED, 4-Hour Masterclass that I am hosting this Saturday, live from my home in Orlando.

It’s a three-part, 4-hour Masterclass I am teaching LIVE that will have THREE SPECIFIC FOCUSES:

  1. Marketing – How to get 20% more profit from 20% less patients

  2. Sales – How to communicate with patients to limit cancels and drop offs (and discuss sensitive money/price issues)

  3. Finance – How to achieve “Operational Excellence” and avoid losing money as you navigate the Covid-19 Recession

How Many:

Only 50 Spaces available


Saturday October 3rd, 11am EST


$500 Just $97 (or 2 x $50)


Getting your PT Biz Recession Ready


Comfort of your home, office or mobile phone via Zoom meeting link
Yes! I Want To Join Paul’s 4 Hour Recession Proofing Masterclass »

$500 Just $97 or 2 x $50

This Is My SECOND RECESSION… I Learned a Lot from The First in 2008. I’ll Share My Biggest Lessons With You. PLUS, You’ll Discover All of This During Our Four Hours Together:

This entire 4 Hours is about setting you up to survive – no matter how big or bad this Recession gets.

On top of that, I’ll give you my predictions for the next 6-12 months and some of the obstacles and challenges that are likely to come up in a Recession that you might not have considered yet…

Plus, Get These Bonus Videos to Help You with Overcoming Your Patients New Objections…

When you sign up for the Masterclass, you will also get access to 2 x 90 minute INSTANT ACCESS video trainings from my amazing “Front Desk Superstars” Program that has helped over 200 clinic owners to change their sales and communication process with their patients since Covid-19.

And, when you attend, you’ll also get instant access to the “3 Power Questions Special Report” I created that is designed to help patients reconsider their decision to cancel on you.

Specifically, you’ll get:

(It’s been said that these two video trainings are worth the price of the seminar alone and I would have to agree).

The reality is that the $97 investment required to enrol in this Masterclass is NOTHING in comparison to the amount you will make because you know how to get people over their fears and doubts about coming to see you.

In that way, the cost of the program is actually zero.

As well as those two amazing video trainings, you will also get:

This is your first step to surviving the coming recession and recouping some of your cash.

Please make the commitment to yourself and your business by clicking the link below to register for your seat on the program before we sell out:

Yes! I Want To Join Paul’s 4 Hour Recession Proofing Masterclass »

$500 Just $97 or 2 x $50

Plus, Get Three Months FREE Membership of Planet Paul Marketing Academy - Paul Gough’s Exclusive VIP Community of The World's Best Physical Therapists

If you are not currently a member of Planet Paul Marketing Academy, you will also receive three months FREE membership including monthly CD and 32 page “Planet Paul” Marketing Publication. After your three-month trial, you will automatically be upgraded to full membership at 249 per month unless you cancel - which you can easily do at any time (instructions on how to do so will be provided). This Free bonus is for Non Marketing-Academy members only.

Planet Paul Magazine VIP membership

Who Is This “RECCESSION READY” Masterclass For?

I designed this Masterclass with you in mind if you’re worried about the coming Recession and dark winter months, what it could mean if more people in your town lose their jobs, if coronavirus continues to spike, patients remain reluctant to attend your clinic or the government enforces a local lockdown on your town.

Specifically, I want to give you the clarity, the confidence, the direction and the know-how to navigate the big challenges ahead.

It’s for you if:

Plus, How Do you Match Up Against Your Peers? Have you Done Better or Worse During Covid-19?

On this exclusive FOUR-HOUR MASTERCLASS, you’re going to discover the vital changes you should make to your marketing and how the current crisis has changed what and HOW we should be COMMUNICATE to patients.

You have to speak to patients a lot more delicately, ask more and better questions and I’ll tell you exactly what those are and how to do that, on the Masterclass that you simply can’t afford to miss. Just one patient you will rescue will more than cover the fee of this Masterclass.

You can join me LIVE and that means I am on hand to answer your questions.

I’ll start with a “State of the Union” address and I’ll present to you the findings of the most recent survey of 10,000’s of PT Business Owners we did and how Covid-19 has affected them.

How do you match up to your peers? Have you done better or worse? What are the new opportunities that they’re taking advantage of that you might be missing out on?

How many have shifted to online programs? Introduced new pricing strategies? Or added new products and cash wellness programs that boost profits?

I’ll share the results of this in the first 30 minutes of the Masterclass…

Best - Spaces Limited to Just 50 Clinic Owners

For your convenience, I am limiting the seminar to just 50 people so that I can answer your questions and be on hand to help you make sense of what I’ll be teaching, and how it will apply to you and your business.

The $97 Fee Will Put Off the Time Wasters…

Even better, there is a $97 registration fee that will do a great job of putting off the time wasters and leave me and you to get on with discussing strategies to beat and overcome the 2020 Recession.

I am sure many people reading this will have some other commitments this Saturday – like shopping or cutting the grass – and the $97 fee weeds these folks out.

It is just $97 (or 2 x $50) for attending this Masterclass but please do not be put off by how cheap it is. The value will be worth 10X that.

The reality is that the Masterclass is easily worth $1000 but because of the extra ordinary times – a global financial crisis and deep Recession - that we’re living in I want to make this affordable to every clinic owner who is serious about surviving.

If your PT business has been affected – and you’re worried about how bad it is going to get this winter – you will love every second of the FOUR HOURS Masterclass as I will show you what you must do in order to protect your business from the crisis.

I know that many PT businesses will not survive the coming winter and one of the reasons is because the business OWNER, will, quite simply, burry their head in the sand and do nothing.

Please make the decision to NOT be one of them.

Yes! I Want To Join Paul’s 4 Hour Recession Proofing Masterclass »

$500 Just $97 or 2 x $50

Paul Gough 😊

P.S. This is for you if you have an honest ambition and you’re serious about wanting to recover from the mess that coronavirus has created in your business and you want to survive the Recession.

If you have a “nothing is more important than fixing this” attitude then this is for you.

About Paul Gough...

Paul Gough

Paul Gough creates global award winning Marketing Systems, is a multi PT Clinic owner, leading authority on Marketing and trusted advisor to many PT Owners across the U.S.

Paul Gough is a small business ICON-WINNER of the award for best in class lead nurture Marketing in 2016 selected across all of Infusionsoft’s 45,000 strong global customers and a former professional soccer Physical Therapist turned successful clinic owner from the UK. He is a published Author who has already grown his own physical therapy business from one clinic to four, and zero to $1m - in record time. What’s most impressive, is this: he’s done all that in a country with a completely free “socialist” health care system (that provides physical therapy services for FREE for all residents), as his main competitor.

He is widely regarded in the US as a leading authority on Direct to consumer Marketing - and has a proven track record of helping physical therapists’ in the US to grow their practices, increase profits, free up their time and radically shift their Entrepreneurial thinking.

He shows PT business owners how to win more patients and increase their profits using Advanced Marketing, Advertising and Internet Marketing Strategies. Every week, 1000’s of physical therapists receive his support and advice online, and his business success coaching programs are almost always FULL.