What If There Was One Simple Question That Will Determine Your Practice Profits in The Next 12 Months – And Possibly the Entire Future of Your Physical Therapy Business?
Dear Physical Therapist,
What I am about to say is vital to the future of your practice so please read every word carefully.
It’s about the HUGE opportunity that is waiting for you and the GAP that has opened up in the online marketplace making it easier than ever for small practice owners like you and I to acquire new patients online, 24/7.
It really is worth reading to find out for yourself how big the opportunity is and how you can get involved in it for yourself.
Anyhow, here’s the story:
I’ve been running Facebook ads since 2013 and I’ve spent over $250,000 on Google Ads with my own money.
To this day, as you read every word of this letter, I continue to invest in both Facebook and Google Ads at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms and I can tell you that they’re both working better now than I’ve ever seen.
The pandemic and economic chaos has presented me with the “perfect storm”; my team’s advanced technical and strategic ability, with years of experience of running ads online, combined with the fact that more patients are now looking online than ever before, and the result is more patients than ever calling my practice saying they’ve found me on Google or Facebook.
I am not exaggerating when I tell you NOW is the GREATEST time EVER to be marketing your practice online. The volume of calls and leads we’re getting at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms since COVID is nothing short of stunning and the opportunity for you to do the same is there for the taking.
And if you’re at all interested in getting a similar level of success with acquiring new patients using from online, here’s something you need to consider:
“Who Do You Want Running Your Website And Online Marketing?”
Because to succeed with online and direct marketing in the post COVID online economy, whoever is managing your clinic's marketing needs to be brilliant at understanding Facebook Ads, Power Editor, Google Ads, email follow-up systems, Infusionsoft, copywriting, graphic design, online video production – CLV and CPL – and a whole lot more.
Clearly, one person can NOT do all of that.
So you need a team.
But most importantly, they need to have a deep and profound understanding of how to use direct marketing to bring NEW PATIENTS to your practice door.
Lots of people say that they are “experts” in things like Facebook - but very few have any real idea when it comes to using Facebook to acquire PAYING PATIENTS for a modern day physical therapy clinic.
Those “experts” are often happy to spend your money – without ever spending their own money to figure this out first.
I am going to hazard a guess that one of the following is true for you:
1. You don’t have a team. You currently have just one person trying to do all of this for you.
2. You have a team - and they have shown from poor results so far that they DO NOT have a deep and profound understanding of how to bring patients to your clinic's doors using online and direct marketing.
Hence the question:
“Who Do You Want To Run Your Direct And Online Marketing?”
There are only two answers to the question.
You either want a world-class TEAM who has a deep and profound understanding of how to acquire patients using direct and online Marketing. Or you don’t.
Which is it for you?
If you don’t want a world-class team who know what they’re doing to start looking after your social media and direct Marketing – there’s no need for you to read the rest of this letter.
If you do, good for you. Here’s the second question:
When do you want this world-class team who know what they’re doing to start looking after all your social media and direct marketing?
It’s either:
“Some other time”.
The stunning simplicity of this question has literally changed my business life. It’s enabled me to instantly spot the type of success-driven Physical Therapy Business Owner who I can help make profound change to their business – and their lives.
So, if it’s obvious to you that you want a world-class team who understands how to use online & direct Marketing - and Social Media - to bring patients to the doors of a Physical Therapy clinic like yours – and if your answer to the “WHEN” question is NOW, then ME and MY WORLD-CLASS TEAM are looking forward to working with you.
If You Qualify - You Are Going To Be Working With An Extraordinary Team of Online Marketing Experts
Since COVID and the lockdowns forced us to reconsider our marketing strategy, my practice is experiencing a whole new level of success. But, it’s important you know that it’s not just me that’s achieved the extraordinary results you see at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms. I am backed by an “11” person team of the most remarkable online marketing experts anyone could wish to have access to.
We have Infusionsoft experts, Google Ads geniuses, personal brand, Facebook advertising and social media experts, graphic designers and marketing strategy experts from all over the world, all familiar with the bespoke marketing needs of a physical therapy clinic looking to grow.
These are the exact same people who create all the successful marketing campaigns that you see me run for my own clinic – and my personal brand.
As of writing, they are also working with over 80 clinic's from all across America, Canada the UK and Australia as well as Europe and that number is increasing weekly.
To say that we’re the leading team of online marketing experts dedicated to working with private practices like yours is an understatement. We are the World’s no.1 team dedicated solely to working with private practice owners like you. All we do is spend all day working out how to get new patients for people like you.
In hiring us, you are literally accessing an entire NEW TEAM of the finest online marketers in the world to work on your physical therapy business - while you get on and do what you do best; treat patients and run your business.
This Is What We Can Do for You...
Online marketing and lead conversion is the foundation of what we do for most clients, and we can include some or all of the following in your bespoke marketing package when you hire our team:
Google Ads
Facebook Advertising
Facebook and Google Remarketing
InfusionSoft funnels set up and management – Create systems to run your business for you!
Instagram Advertising
Bing Advertising
Sales, telephone, and lead conversion support – including one-on-one training with you and your team
Free reports – written and designed by our top Graphic designer to be used in your Facebook and other online lead generation marketing
Social Media Strategy (or completely done for you – bespoke!)
Help to manage your internal marketing assistant (we can assist in creating your annual and quarterly marketing plan as well as providing direction and support directly to your marketing person so you don't have to)
High level marketing strategy and planning
Landing design, layout and copy…
Get Instant Access to What Is Working Right NOW for Practices Like Yours…
The reason that doing this on your own is NOT the best idea is really simple:
“You can’t out beat us because we know what is working RIGHT NOW for other practices like yours”
Because we’re working with so many practices, we’re able to see the online trends and the best campaigns driving the buying habits of patients in big cities and small towns. As a result, we’re able to make adjustments to your bidding strategy or your landing pages as soon as we see the changes happening. We can apply, in real time, to your marketing what is working for others.
It’s impossible to compete with us for that reason alone.
There’s no other marketing team out there working with as many private practices as we are and for that reason we’ve got more “insider” knowledge of what is working and what isn’t.
Your REAL COST is in NOT KNOWING what is working and whether or not, even if you’re “happy” with what you’re getting, you could be getting more.
In the end, it really comes down to this question:
“Do you think that with all of the expertise and access to other's results that we bring, we are capable of getting you one more patient than you could on your own?”
If the answer is “yes” you think we can – then you need to hire our world-class team.
Acceptance Is By Application Only – And We Are Looking For Ambitious Physical Therapists Only...
Obviously, not everyone will qualify to work with us – and we won’t take you on as a client unless I believe we can achieve a 100% profit increase for you – and you should not apply if your ambitions are lower than that.
There’s nothing wrong with “slow and steady” growth – but I can’t think of anything more boring or mind-numbing.
The type of your business does not matter – we work with Cash, In-Network, Hybrid, Private Pay, and OON clinic's from the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK. The only people we do not work with are completely new start-ups as you will need a reasonable budget to cover our fees – and to pay for your Marketing spend.
Really, what matters most, is the size of your AMBITION. How successful do you want to be?
We only have a limited number of spots, so I want to work only with physical therapists who will make the most of me and my team's skill base.
We are aiming for extraordinary. For achievements in your business that will stun your competitors, your colleagues, your family – and maybe even YOU! We want you to be top of the biggest search engine in the world and visible to everyone in your town. When you work with us, people will know your name, your face and 10,000’s of people in your town will be aware of your clinic and how you can help.
We will take care of the marketing and tech hassle and frustration for you – you get to enjoy the benefits. That is more of your perfect patients knowing who you are, what you do and wanting to hire you.
If you want that, here’s what to do next:
Apply for one of the limited spaces to work with Paul Gough and his incredible team – and get a free Online Marketing Plan Review at the same time!
What Some Of Our Clients Are Saying:
“We Hit $55k Each Month, A Record For Us – For The Past 2 Months with Our Cash Services and Google is Our Primary Lead Source”
“We tried doing Google ads on our own. We had a little bit of success but we were wasting so much
time and effort on it. I was wasting time on changing bidding or headlines on the ads but I
really felt as thought I knew what I was doing. In the end I was losing 10-15 hours per week
at Google and that was time I wanted to spend with patients where I could make more money. In
end it was a no-brainer to outsource this to a team of experts. The back up and support from
team is amazing – not to mention the results they get for us.
Our best month so far has brought in 46 Google leads and each new person spends an average of
$1500-2000 with us for a plan of care for PT, $900 for massage, and $1500 for Pilates POC. We
hit $55K in the past 2 months with our cash services and Google is our primary lead

- Dawn and Oscar Andalon, Level4 PT, Encinitas, CA.
“30 Leads and We’re Averaging $15,000 per Month in NEW Patients”
“Google is the best lead source for everything in the world right now. We always knew that this
was a
great place to advertise, we just didn’t have the time or know how to properly do it. Handing it
over to Team Paul was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made as it saved us both time and
made us
more money.
We spend around $500 a month on Google and $300 a month on Facebook retargeting and our best
so far has brought in 32 new leads.
The ROI of our online marketing is around $15,000 per month and is only getting better as we
our follow up. The leads that come in from Google Ads are really good. Those from Facebook take
little time to a nurture but we always notice an increase in general phone calls and word of
referrals when the Facebook ads are running.”

- Jason Clemons, Founder of Breakaway PT, Virginia.
“I Wanted the Time to Focus On Being The OWNER of the Practice Instead of Trying to Perfect a Skill Such as Google”
“After trying it alone, at the end of the day, I realized I didn’t have the time or knowledge to
monitor it and make the necessary changes to optimize its capability. I wanted the time back to
focus on being the visionary for the practice instead of trying to perfect a skill such as
I realized it was much better to hand it over to people that know what they are doing and who I
TRUST to make the best decisions for me and the practice.
Now I can just look at the metrics throughout the month and make strategic decisions regarding
marketing in other areas knowing Pauls team have a handle on the digital stuff for me.”

- Jason Han, HealthFit PT, Pasedena, CA.