Business success

“Announcing The Big Opportunity For Every Physical Therapist Who Ever Wanted To Know How To Grow And Scale A Profitable Business – AND, Do It Without Having To Personally Treat Patients Every Single Day...”

Click play on the video above to hear from our Members as they tell you in their own words how, Since Joining Mastermind, they’ve been able to “triple revenue", “double profits”, find "more time for family", "employ better staff" and "serve more people” -  while collectively generating MILLIONS of dollars in additional sales...

Click Here To Submit Your Application To Join Mastermind
Paul Gough

Paul Gough

Dear Physical Therapist,

I am currently accepting applications for a limited number of very exclusive spots in my Business Success Mastermind Program that, if your application is successful, will transform your business from daily grind – to one that is easily able to grow and make more profit without you having to be there each day.

If your goal is to own and run a real business – one that works for you whether you are there or not – then this Mastermind Program will help you to do that.

This Program Is Different To All My Others

The first thing I need you to know is that this 12 Month program is NOTHING LIKE my "Accelerator" or "PT Business Growth School" Programs.

Those Programs were about Marketing and Automated Systems.

This Program is about YOU – and showing you what it takes to be able to grow and build a REAL business. One that can make you more profit and give you more time freedom so that you’ll be able to do "simple" things that many business owners can’t - like leave town for a few days and still have a business to come back to!

How Big Is Your Ambition?

Your contribution to the group is VITAL.

That means not everyone will qualify to join us and to be one of the ones chosen, you must already be a Physical Therapy Business Owner and what matters most is NOT so much the size of your current revenue – but the size of YOUR AMBITION.

You must understand the importance of learning to recognize and solve the right problems in your business - and you must be open to growing. There is significant investment required; investment of your time, energy and money. You will need to COMMIT, RISK and STRETCH in order to be successful in this program.

What you will receive is ONE FULL YEAR of Business and Entrepreneurial Mindset coaching from Paul Gough and his expert team that will take you from confused and overwhelmed (not knowing what you don’t know about business) to happy, successful and more profitable Physical Therapy Business owner feeling more confident and clear about the purpose of owning your business.

You will be completely set up to deliver MORE VALUE to your clients and staff – and, collect more PROFIT and find more TIME for yourself and your family.

Here’s What You Get As a Result Of Your Participation In Mastermind

Here’s everything that’s included during the course of the 12 months:

And, Perhaps the Most Important Business Insurance Policy You Will Ever Own:

* ‘911’ Emergency Access to Paul and his team - if a major problem, challenge or issue comes up, contact Paul directly on his personal email. This is the most important business insurance policy you can ever own.

"Want To Know What Happens When You Join Paul Gough’s Program?"
Mastermind Success Stories...

Before you Apply to join Mastermind, it’s important that you understand the work we have done in helping other PTs like you achieve their business goals. Click play below to hear the full case-studies of these 4 amazing members:

Kevin Vandi, Competitive Edge PT, San Jose (Ca) - achieved TRIPLE revenue growth and now works 25 hours LESS that is spent with the children since joining Mastermind!

Carrie Jose, CJ Physical Therapy & Wellness, Portsmouth (NH) - month on month revenue growth, bigger premises, recruitment success, less time with patients - and more time running a business since joining Mastermind.

Nick Hunter, Preffered PT, Phoenix (Az) - 100% increase in profits inside 5 months, 2 staff PT hired and more time spent at home with his beautiful family since joining Mastermind.

Nancy Branberg, PT, Alexandria, (Va) - “Brand new cash business owner that was given the confidence to raise her rates by $50 - within one week of joining Mastermind”.

If you would like to achieve results like this, please Apply by filling out the sort form on the page after you press the blue button below.

Click Here To Submit Your Application To Join Mastermind

Your Investment for The 12 Month Program

This 12 Month Program is only for people who are serious about adding a minimum $100,000 to their income.

For those who join, this experience will completely revamp how your business is run in the next 12 months. Given that I'm revealing everything that has taken me 10 years to acquire - this program could easily be priced at $40,000 or $50,000.

But to make it accessible to the right people, including those wanting to launch a successful Physical Therapy Practice from the get-go, the program is just $12,500.

You can split the payment into 12 monthly payments of $1,097.

Polite Warning: There IS HIGH DEMAND for this Program and we only make enrolment available if and when a spot in the group opens up.

Here’s 10 Things That Will Happen To You As A Result Of Your Participation in Paul Gough’s Business Success Mastermind Program…

  1. You’ll own a more profitable business (…one that you can come back to as you left it when you leave town for an extended vacation with the family)
  2. You will implement higher prices and make more profit from doing so…
  3. You’ll know what it takes to grow and scale in the cash-pay model - OR, transition out-of-network to make more profit…
  4. You’ll know how to recognize when things are going WRONG in your business – so you can address it there and then and before it affects your bottom line…
  5. You’ll discover the one or two big decisions that you need to make next to hit your financial and lifestyle goals faster…
  6. You’ll learn how to move away from being a "practitioner" and doing everything - to becoming a "business owner" and delegating more effectively to your team (Note: you’ll need a strong mindset needed to be successful in your new role and we’ll work on this as well)…
  7. You’ll have your staff turned into ASSETS - and have them pick up most of the workload for you…
  8. You’ll turn you business into a long term, real wealth creator for you and your family (finances and money are a huge part of the curriculum…)
  9. You’ll develop the courage that is needed to make the big decisions that only comes from being in a community of likeminded business owners who understand the struggles that you are going through…
  10. And ultimately, you will achieve a Physical Therapy Practice that does great work for it’s patients, provides a healthy and happy place to work for your staff - and, you’ll own something that you and your family will be proud of that makes you the level of take home pay you deserve…

If You Are Easily Offended By Talking About Money and Profit – Please Do Not Apply

I need to tell you this upfront – and we make ZERO apologies for it...

There is a huge focus on "mindset" – and shifting the way that you currently think about "profit" and "success". You will develop what I call the "Millionaire Mindset" – the type of thinking that is needed if you want to bust through your income ceiling and into the next bracket.

I know that money is a "taboo" subject in the healthcare field - and yet it is the one thing that makes running a business and being able to give back to your patients – and achieve lifestyle freedom - easier.

If you are offended at the talk of "money" and making "more profit" – then please do not apply. You will hate this program. And that’s because we will frequently challenge you to do things like raise your rates and find more take-home profit in your business.

As an added bonus, you’ll learn how to stop worrying about being judged or concerned about what others think about you - and you’ll soon discover how to become more decisive with decisions when it comes to important things like raising your rates, dropping insurance companies or firing un-productive staff.

With all that said,

Business Growth Strategies Discussed At A Recent 2-Day Mastermind Event Attended By 40+ PTs In Paul’s Amazing Community

Business Growth Business Growth Business Growth Business Growth

Enrollment in the Mastermind Program is Strictly by Application Only…
Here’s Who Should Apply:

Acceptance is by application only and following a pre-qualification telephone call with me (to ensure that your business will be successful by joining this program). You should apply if:

If you think any of those describes you, and think you are a good fit for the program, then please click the yellow button below to submit your Appropriateness Application form:

Click Here To Submit Your Application To Join Mastermind

We will be going through the replies to this invitation in the order in which they are received, so please let us know you would like to join me in the program by clicking the button below now.

Click Here To Submit Your Application To Join Mastermind

Thank you,

I look forward to reviewing your application.

Paul Gough